Get Back To Work

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After minutes of your friends lecturing and 5.0.5's hug tightening every minute.

You escaped from their grasp and went on to look for your boss.

' Must be in his office. ' You thought as you walked towards the entrance of his office.

You were about to knocl until you heard a loud thud and someone saying, " Ow.. " on the other side.

Slowlu opening the door. It revealed a lot of portals leading to wherever.

You blinked a few times and heard another portal open and it shitted out a Black Hat.

His face met the floor and they didn't quite like each other.

He groaned as he massaged his non existant noise as he mumbled out a swear.

You cleared your throat making him jolt up and look at you.

He did not do anything but blink for  a while.

You walked inside as you looked at the portals he made.

" So.. quite a mess here. " You said trying to start a comversation.

He stood up adjusting his suit and cleared his throat, embarrassed.

He snapped his fingers making the portals go away and made the office have more space than ever.

He looked at anything but you.

You sighed and gave him a quick pat on the chest, like you were the best of buddies.

" Sorry for making ya worried there. " You said.

" You damn right you bettwr be sorry. You know how many portals I did just to find you?! " He said as he raised his hands in the air.

" It was about 43 portals in your office. I don't know how much portals you did on those 43 dimensions you went through- " You got cut by Black Hat suddenly hugging you.

His hug tighten a bit making you tense up.

" Y/N, don't ever leave like that ever again. " He said as his hug got thighter.

" Heh. You sound like Sophie. " You mumbled out.

A moment of silence passed and he said, " I'm being serious, Y/N. Your actions a few moments ago made me feel concern and I hate the feeling. "

You sighed and hugged him back.

" I'm sorry. I'll say where I am going before I go next time. Ok? " You said as you rested your chin on his shoulder.

Your loving moment seemed like it was gonna be here for a few more minutes but was cut short due to a glass breaking.

After that a howl of laughter is to be heard which made Black Hat pissed off.

He tried to ignore it and didn't pull away.

And then we heard another thing break.

" I think we should check on them? " You said in a question-y way.

Black Hat grunted and pulled away from you.

He walked out of his office and you followed him.

The noise was to be heard inside the lab.

Before you guys could enter. The door was immeditely opened and Dr. Flug is to be seen. Panting.

" S-sir! Y/N! Your f-friends. They're t-trashing my lab! " Dr. Flug said.

Villainous - Black Hat x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz