A Carnival Nearby? Le's go

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Waking up.

This is your 3rd day.

Let's rethink what happened yesterday.

You took pictures for mom.

You saw Black Hat.

You bought some food. You saw that dude, Black Hat, again. Bitch came with someone.

Made my day even worse.

Stormed out. Went to a park. Black Hat tried to comfort you.

Became friends.

Went home and said your goodbyes.

You slept...

And you forgot to send the pictures to mom.

You quickly got your phone and looked at the time.

" It's 8:30. " You mumbled.

You grunted as you sat up from your bed.

You sent the pictures to her and sent a little text that said, " Hey, ma. Here's the pictures. Sorry it took long.. "

You then made your way to the kitchen to grab some cup noodles.

But Zac was there which means. Food.

" Oh. Morning, Y/N! " He said as he turned away his head around towards you from the stove.

" Mornin.. " You mumbled out.

" Ahh.. someone's grumpy. Are you that hungry right now? " He asked jokingly.

" Yeh... " You said as you sat on a chair.

You then laid your head on the table.

Zac sighed. " I'm almost done. Just give me a few seconds. " He said as he cooked some bacon and eggs.

You sighed heavily and said, " Ok. "

" 10, 9, 8, 7- " You counted down.

" I DIDN'T MEAN LITERALLY Y/N!!! " He yelled at you. Flailing his arms in the air. Hands are armed with a spatula and.. cooking things..

After that he gave you a plate of bacon and eggs.

You munched on it and you gained some energy.

" EDIBLE FOOD! " You screamed as you fist bumped the air with a fork in hand.

Zac just sighed at your childishness. And then he remembered something
" Oh yeh! There's this new carnival and we're gonna go there! " Zac said. Excitement in his voice.

" Oh really now? Yeah sure. Le's go! " You agreed.

" I'll go wake up the others now. You wake up Brian. " He demanded.

" Why do I have to wake up Brian?! The devil when morning comes?!! " You asked-yelled at him.

" Because! " He started. " I made you some edible food. I'm older than you and because I am older than you. You'll have to do as I say! " He explained.

" Being older doesn't make you the boss of me! And just because you made me food doesn't mean I have to do it either! " You said to him.

After much more of bickering Zac won and you did as you told.

You creeked the door open.

There was no light in sight.

' This is like some sort of horror movie. I hate it. ' You thought to yourself.

Villainous - Black Hat x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat