Hmm.. He Ain't That Bad. But Not Really Good Either.

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It was a new day. Your second day in your new home.

And you didn't wanna go up. But you had to because, last night your mother interupted your sleep.

She called to ask you if you were doing good, if you are eating well, how's my friends, have you made any new friends and if you could take pictures of this new place.

Your mom loves photography and she likes the photos you take.

You thought she is just being a mom and is just supporting your photography thing but.. no. She even gave a solid critique to it back in highschool.

You were confused at first but then she told you that she used to be a photographer. She did it as a hobby back then and she loved it.

So.. now. You do photography for her.

You got up and thought about yesterday.

' God. Why. ' You thought.

You went out of your bedroom and it seems no one was up yet.

Well, totally makes sense. Their gonna sleep 'til 12'o clock, I know it.

You decided to go to the kitchen and make something delicious.

Cooking ain't your speicialty and that's why you have Zac and Sophie here.

Their the chef of this household.

But... since their still asleep.

You tried to cook an egg and failed miserably.

" Huh. " You said.

" Where are the cup noodles? " You asked yourself and threw the un edible looking egg in the trash.

You began to look around for the cup noodles and you saw them.

You grabbed one and placed on the table.

You poured water into the kettle and put it ontop of the stove. You turned the stove on.

After a couple of minutes you have obtained hot water.

You poured it onto the cup noodles and waited about 5 minutes.

You have then dig in.

After all that you threw it away. Put on a black T-shirt and your favorite greu hoodie along with your pants.

You got up stairs to your bedroom to get your camera and began to walk out of the house.

You inhaled a lot of air before stepping out of your property completely.

After you have gained enough courage you began to walk around and take some pictures.

You then took pictures of the people you have met yesterday.

They did not mind at all.

You shook their hands and thanking their cooporation.

You began to walk away awkwardly.

' Hand shakes are my weakness. Why did I do that. It was so awkward. ' You thought as you left them. Hands in the pocket of your pants. You slouching.

You then walked to somewhere not paying attention.

You then hit a tree by your head and hissed in pain.

" Ow..." You whined as you rubbed your head.

After that you perked up because..

" I remember this place. " You said as you looked at the other side.

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