And Awaaaaaayyyy We Go!

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A/N: It's the moment we are all are probably been waiting for.. or not.

I mean, who wouldn't be excited for this.. 'cuz.

Dimensions. Science.

Let's just fukin get in..

You were in the living room with everyone.

You checked if everything you need is with you now.

' Portal gun, check. Wrist watch, check. Money, check. Fake money, just in case I don't have enough, check. 2 shades, check. Alright, it's all here. ' You thought.

You looked at Black Hat and at the others.

You shot your portal gun at your side.

" Welp, we're gonna go now. " You said.

Demencia looked at you angrily and stuck her tounge out at you.

" Ok then, hope you get back soon. " Dr. Flug said with a smile.

5.0.5 smiled as well and did a little wave.

" Alright, alright. Let's get going. " Black Hat said in an annoyed tone and was walking towards the portal.

You looked at Black Hat as he walked through the portal. You sighed.

" Probs gonna buy some Ice cream from the dimension we're going for ya guys. " You said and went through the portal.

As you said Ice cream, 5.0.5 face lit up and also Demencia but she was fighting it back.

After that they went to their business.

On the other side of the Portal~

Hopping out the portal to see Black Hat tapping his foot rapidly on the ground.

" Yeah, yeah. I'm here. Sorry for the wait. " You said walking past him.

Black looked at you when you past him and started to follow you.

You saw the super market and went in.

" What dimension is this? " Black Hat asked.

" And this place. It's too bright that I think I might go blind. " He said looking around the area.

It's like a supermarket but more advance and techy.

You and Black Hat stepped on a platform and it lit up which means it is activated now.

The platform then automatically moved you guys.

" Ehhh it's... dimension P-47A. It basically has some of the things I need. " You answered.

" And yeah it is. 'Cuz most people here are attracted to the light and they like it. That's why I got these. " You said showing him shades.

You gave him one and you out yours on.

He looked at you as you put 'em and he did what you basically did.

He looked around trying to get use to the shades.

" Ok. This is much better. " Black Hat said putting his hands behind him.

A computer then was above you. Scanning you and Black Hat.

Numbers then run down it's screen and then it stopped.

" Hello, welcome to Glabzonore. Where would you like to go? " It asked.

Black Hat looked at the computer confused.

" What the heck was all that?! " He said poiting at it.

Villainous - Black Hat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now