Dark Pit x Reader ~ I'll Join You

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This story is how Dark Pit joined the Forces of Nature. For those who don't know, Dark Pit was unaffiliated in the game (Kid Icarus: Uprising) but was apart of the Forces of Nature for Super Smash Bros. Since it never tells how he joined, I decided to use this as the perfect opportunity for the one-shot. I hope you enjoy!

Requested by: Kiruma_Haruka

Reader's Pov
You are (Y/N) (L/N), one of the fighters in the Forces of Nature. Viridi had called to give you your next assignment.

"You need me Viridi?" I asked.

"Yes," the Goddess of Nature responded. "I know you are the only
person besides Pit to be on good terms with Pittoo."

"Where are you going with this My Goddess?" I asked suspiciously.

"I would like you to convince him to join us to destroy the human scum," she responded.

I thought about it for a minute. He would be a strong ally and besides... if I can't convince him then no one can. "Yes My Goddess," I finally responded.

"I knew I could count on you!" exclaimed the short goddess. I smiled and walked out of the room.

Once outside, I spread my wings and flew off to find Dark Pit. Pit and I are some of the very few angels to fight for our goddesses, Palutena and Viridi, and I will do my best to get Pittoo to fight for Viridi as well.

After a few hours, I found the clone sitting near Virdi's Grind Rails and holding the Sagittarius Bow. I quickly glanced down at the Aquarius Blade on my waist just in case.

He looked up, sensing someone else was near. "Hello (Y/n). It's been awhile since I saw you."

"It has."

"Why are you here? You haven't visited since you joined the Forces of Nature." Serious, as always.

"I've been asked by Viridi to get you to join the Forces of Nature," I finally told him.

"And what makes her think I will?" he asked while stretching his black wings. I've always found them so beautiful compared to my white wings.

Dark Pit's Pov
I watched as (Y/n) watched my wings. After a minute, she blinked out of her trance and came to sit next to me.

"She believes you'd join because I'm the one asking you," said the (e/c) eyed female next to me. I could tell she was being honest. Viridi does know that I prefer being alone. "You do know that we could talk to each other more. You could also work on some missions alone. Viridi is a great goddess to work for."

"I'll think about it," I told her after a minute. "Also, why are you still staring at my wings?" I asked with a slight smirk.

Her face started turning red. "You saw that?!"

"Yes," I answered as my smirk widened. I heard her mumble something. "Why are you mumbling?" I asked the angel next to me.

"I said I was looking because your wings are pretty Pittoo," she answered slightly embrassed. "Now will you join or should I go?"

"Fine, I'll join you in the Forces of Nature," I told her.

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up. "Yes! I did it!" she screamed. Unexpectedly, I was being hugged by her. "Thank you for agreeing Pittoo! Lets go tell Viridi!"

I chuckled at her excitement. "Lets go then."

She took off flying, and I followed. Maybe this won't be so bad.

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