Karma Akabane x Shy!Reader - No Need To Be Shy~

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Requested by: SerbiaAPH
A/N: Hi guys it's Yun and I want to say thank you so much for all the reads we have!😊
Warning: There will be suggesting comments from Karma because he is a tease! Read at your own risk! You may go🔙 but you may also go🔛! Enjoy! Also this happens 7 years after graduating!
I remember it like it was yesterday. Well who wouldn't? It was the day we killed Korosensai, our teacher that helped us threw thick and thin. Seven years ago we killed him, or you could say we completed our assassination. We were sad for a while, but we continued to live our lives to the fullest. We all grew up, and most of us got jobs, or traveling around the world. For example Nakamura-san is in France right now, I guess her being good in English class is a plus she also learned French to be able to go to France. But lots of us are still remain in Tokyo. I'm so happy all of my classmates got what they wanted. I can bet you that right now in heaven, Korosensai is so happy that he's crying a river of tears. I'm especially happy for Nagisa. You want to know why? He is a teacher of a really bad class of delinquents. But he made me proud of him because he is using Korosensai's teaching methods. You are probably wondering about me, I (Y/N)
(L/N) am Karma Akabane's fiancée. That's right I'm going to be married to the devil of Kunugigaoka Junior High School's 3-E classroom. Amazing right?! Me...the shyest person you will probably ever meet being married to the Karma Akabane!

As I'm in the kitchen cleaning the dishes, I seem to be so focused on my thoughts that I didn't hear the devil himself coming in. I immediately jumped when I felt a pair of arms rap tightly around my waist "I'm home, did you miss me~?" He said as he blew hot air into my ear. "K-Karma I d-didn't hear you c-come in.." I shuddered as the hot air hit the back of my ear. "I could tell, I'm kinda hurt that my beautiful fiancée didn't greet me" he told me in hurt voice but you could clearly hear no sign of hurt in his voice. "H-how was your day at work?" I said in a quiet voice. "No no no tell me what you were thinking about." He told me."I was thinking how we killed Korosensai" I answered truthfully, but after that I felt his grip tighten slightly."Oh well never mind that, let's have dinner the go to bed ok?" He answered. "Ok, for dinner tonight I made udon noodles with rice and miso soup sound good?" I asked him. "Sounds great!" you can literally hear the excitement in his voice.

After we each took our turns to use the shower, well of course after about twenty minutes of Karma beginning to join me in the shower. Of course said no, though he is twenty two years old he still acts like a child. As I was showering there was a nock on the bathroom door "(Y/N) chan are you sure you don't want me to join you~?" you can hear the mischievousness in his voice." N-no I'm good by my self!" I answered extremely quickly, not wanting him to take my silence as a 'yes'. "If you say so but my offer still stands~".(I bet all fan girls would take up his offer)

After the shower I got changed into my pajamas, or just one of Karma's white button up shirts. I laced in the bed waiting for Karma to get done changing. He came out of the bathroom with his beautiful red hair looking super fluffy. He goes to the other side of the bed, and lays down with his arms opened for me. So I snuggled into his muscular chest. 'He smells so nice' I thought. For some reason his scent has always made me feel relaxed for some reason. "I love you Karma""I love you too (Y/L)". As I was about to go to sleep he put his head lower till it was on my chest, MY CHEST! Code red alert alert Karma put his head in a no go zone." I'm going to sleep here night." I got up immediately making him fall off the bed." You perverted Baka!" I screamed throwing anything at him I could get. "Ok ok please stop I'm sorry!" He cried as he gets pillows thrown at him. And from that day forth he slept on the couch, and if he tried to do that again I will get Nagisa and the rest of E-Class to use their ninja awesomeness to throw the surprisingly hard pillow at him.
So that's the end of my karma x reader I love assassination classroom so much and had so much fun writing this if anyone wants to comment please do! We love to write and make people happy with the story's we make. It is a three day weekend so maybe another chapter will be out soon so wait till then bye bye!

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