Shizuo Hewjima x Shy!Reader~ I Can Help~

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Requested by: @inesnof3

No Ones POV~
Tokyo Japan, or to be more specific Ikebukuro, your current home. Of course this area of Tokyo isn't the safest, from the uprise of the Color Gangs to the abundant amount of crime, but it's still home. You being the relatively shy person you are, you don't socialize much.

However, your lack of socialization caught the attention of the number one info broker in the whole of Tokyo. Unfortunate for you he caught wind of a secret or two, now are forced to work with him to keep the secrets safe.

Izaya Orihara. This man has a peculiar 'liking' towards the strongest man in Ikebukuro. This man goes by Shizuo Hewajima. Because of Izaya's interest in the tall male, and your lack of presence; your often sent to spy on Shizuo.

You did not object to this only because like the raven haired info broker, you have an interest in the blonde man. So like Izaya says you follow him, and report every so often back to him.

Once again I'm stalk-watching over Shizuo. Izaya said this time he wanted 'Shizu-chan' in jail, and out of his face....for good. With that final statement I was out again.

As the residents of Ikebukuro pasted by me, Shizuo moved as well. Taking notes on everything he does, I moved as well.

He entered a Russian Sushi restaurant that seems to be growing popular these days. He sits down with a man with dreadlocks, that must be his boss from what I know.

As I was outside the door of the Russian Sushi reviewing my notes my phone in my pocket rung...loudly.

Quickly, I rummaged through my jacket pocket to retrieve my cellphone.

The name across the phone screen read 'Izaya Orihara', and of course I had to answer it.

I looked up and left the building as a non audible way of excusing myself.

Outside the building in an ally, I answered the call.

"(Y/N) your job is completed for the day." Izaya said. I whispered back my answer.

After he hung up. My phone had been snatched out of my hands without me noticing until it was gone.

I gazed up at who  took my phone and to my surprise it was Shizuo Hewajima.

I attempted to jump and grab it from his hands, but it was futile.

He moved away from my desperate hands The looked through the contents of my phone.

Something he found seemed to really piss him off and glared at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

"You're working with him!" He spoke in voice filled with hatred.

"I-I..." I was to scared to answer so I looked over to the side.

I could feel his anger towards me, but what I want to know is how did he know?

Shizuo slammed his hands on the side of my head as a way to cage me.

"Answer me!" He was seriously mad now.

"Y-yes b-but it w-was-sn't my c-choice..." I stuttered out.

"Not you're choice? Did he force you to work of him?" He asked, not as mad as before. I nodded in response.

"I can help you (Y/N)"

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