Yasuke Matsuda x Reader~In Love?

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Requested By: @xRawItsLizyx

I'm (F/N) (L/N), I am a ultimate that goes to prestigious Hopes Peak Academy, although you were an ultimate you didn't just work to improve your talent, you worked for the one and only Junko Enoshima. You enjoyed working for her, and meeting a wide variety of people with their unique personalities. Recently Junko has been up to a brainwashing video, that will make may fall into the deepest despair. Junko said to pretend like I'm intrigued with school, and of course I said I would. A day ago Junko let Izuru Kamakura out of he's cell. Walking up to the roof of the school, I spot Izuru staring off into the sky. "Izuru?" I simply said his name, although he only glanced over his shoulder at me I could tell he was listening. Even without any interest in his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be with Junko?" Wondering if there is a reason he's not with her. "No." Thats all he said. "Why not?" I questioned. "As of now I would prefer to watch the sky." He said turning his full attention back to the sky. "Is there a reason you like the sky so much?" I see him looking at it a lot so I wanted to know. He just continued to look into the vast blue sky. I after a few seconds I begun to leave the top of the school. "The sky is unpredictable, unlike most of the world." Izuru mumbled. I didn't answer him and left. Waiting for me at the end of the staircase was Mukuro Ikusaba. "Ikusaba do you need something?" I asked and she nodded in response. I followed close behind her. As we walked down the brightly lit hallway, we walked past a boy with messy dark hair, reading a manga. "You shouldn't associate with them, it's dangerous." He mumbled to me. I turned around to look at him, earning a slight scold from Ikusaba.

                                                                                    ~Time Skip~

After the daily meeting with Junko I went looking for that boy from earlier. I went into an empty classroom to see him leaning against the window reading his manga. "Hey why would you tell me not to 'associate' with Ikusaba?" I asked with a slightly irritated voice. "I told you their dangerous." He said looking back to his manga. "I don't care if their dangerous, I'm the one to decided to help her." This time I'm more then slightly irritated, I'm angry. He didn't answer my question, but put his manga down on one of the wooden desks and began to walk up to me. He pushed me against the wall, his arms on both sides of me head.

"Maybe it will get through you pretty little head if I'm closer, Junko Enoshima is a very dangerous person and will kill you." He told me sternly. I was hardly listening to the long sentences he was telling me. All I was focused on was how close this beautiful teenage boy was to me. Sometimes I hate primal urges. I could feel my face turning so read that Mahiru's hair would be put to shame. A hand came down to my chin lifting my head up to meet his green eyes. "Listen to what I'm say it could save your ass." He said letting go of me. "By the way my name is Yasuke Matsuda." When he existed the room I slid down the wall onto the floor. My heart was beating so fast and my face was flushed, could I be in love? No that's can't be. Or could it?

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