Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma

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He stopped in his stead and I took this opportunity to open the door only to find Mr. Evans about to knock the library and when I met his eyes I could see the anger blazing in his eyes when he saw Steven behind me. I ran to my room and closed the door. I knew probably somebody told him his wife is with someone in library and god forbids if Media knows it this would become the headlines. The deadly expression on his face was like a storm was brewing inside. I waited for the whole night for him to come and punish me 

I closed my door and fell down on my knees. I knew whatever happened Mr. Evans will not ask for an explanation he will directly convict me and like he said he will ruin me and my family. Even if he was looking for the explanation I was not sure whether he will take my side of the story when he is already convinced that I am having affair with his brother even though it is not true. I wish things were different. So many events and so many scenarios were running in my mind and I don't know how I was supposed to handle things. Thoughts were swirling and in that many were of me to run away, run away from this life where I was unwanted. I was an unwanted wife, unwanted child, unwanted sibling and only peace I got from was my friend who I was not aware of where she was. I had tried contacting her but no use. It felt like my existence itself was unwanted.

My thoughts wandered off to Steven who first looked like a person who would flirt and if he gets a green signal from opposite sex would take full advantage, but his sudden possessiveness towards me during the time I had to spend with him is telling me he is more dangerous than he looks. My mother-in-law seemed elegant and was polite but even she thinks I am unwanted. I was fed up with being so unwanted, uncared and judged. I wanted a life where I would do things that would make me happy and things that I decide on my own.

I was in my thoughts and drifted to sleep. The next day I woke up but I could not bring myself to show up for breakfast when I was so embarrassed. My husband as expected didn't come to my room which I knew he could because he has spare keys. Soon there was a knock and a maid entered with food and left quietly. Even though the aroma of food was so good I could not bring myself to eat it. I got up and freshened up and when I came the breakfast turned cold and even though I could ring the maids I made no attempt to touch it. I went to the balcony and stood looking outside at the freedom which was like a dream to me. Here even though I had all the luxurious things but I was far from comfortable I was distressed and disappointed with my life and myself.

I read the books on my course and soon I got bored because I was a good student and I had studied them already and I was the kind of person who never leaves her homework or missed her classes. Then suddenly an idea formed in my mind since I am a graduate now and all I have to do is plan my escape from this life. I was deep in my thoughts when my phone ringed and I saw my mom was calling. I lifted the phone and braced myself for hearing more hurting words like last time.

"Hey, Eve my sweety I knew you would settle down once you give it a shot" she said. I could hear her smile on the phone but I didn't know what made her smile.

"Mom what are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Oh, dearie I know our last call didn't go well but you could have told me that you arranged a very successful party for your husband. You know what I am seeing the evidence of your well-being in the newspapers. You make me proud love" She said excitedly I could feel her smile.

"Mom, why did you call?" I asked.

"What now I have to take an appointment before I call my daughter?" She said annoyed.

"Mom, please ..." I was about to say when she cut me off.

"Eve is everything all right? I was thinking of hearing you smile but all I feel is, you being sad after something like that" She said concerned.

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