Ch 18 - Games of Heart -- Insecurities

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"But sir, How are you sure she is happily married" Sam asked.

I looked at him and recalled her telling her husband didn't treat her well and now it is good so she is not in love with him there is chance for me, a hope for me.

Richard's POV

The nightmares last night did not let me sleep each and every time I slept I always dreamt about Steven taking Evelyn from me. She divorcing me or she happily settling down with him. I waited for morning but somehow between the time I slept and I woke up I rushed for the shower.

By the time I dressed up Evelyn had everything setup in plates and she was waiting for me. I sat next to her and we had breakfast in awkward silence. I didn't know how to confess my fear and I didn't want to force Evelyn into a relationship with me thinking she doesn't have a choice. I thought about venting my feelings out so I thought I would talk to Kendall about this and see if I can have a solution or atleast I will have the burden lifted off my shoulders. Deciding that was the best option I broke the silence by saying "Evelyn I am going for an important meeting. Once I am back we will go for sight seeing".

I looked at her and by the looks even she didn't feel like asking where I was going when she answered "Fine". I wanted her to ask me where I was going, a slight interest or some kind of curiosity but by the emotionless look, she gave me told me we are yet to be comfortable with each other and having Steven so close to me was not gonna help when he had challenged me not openly but by his actions. His being around my wife didn't sit well with me and to avoid it I had brought her here. But the bastard had followed her here as well. If it had been any other woman I would not have bothered. Actually it never bothered me in the past and because of that, I feel he thinks the same for Evelyn. He thinks I will sit and watch him take away the love of my life.  I know our relationship was not normal in the beginning and I have been harsh towards her but I am trying to change it and I don't know when and how I got invested in this relationship but now that I am, I am going to keep her forever. Though I don't want a forced relationship with her I will try my best to win her heat. I know what happens when we force it..

With these thoughts in my mind I didn't realise when I left and was outside Kendall's Room and rang the bell. The look of surprise on her face made me realise that I should have at least called her.

"Oh my goodness Richard I can't believe you are here this early" She said but when she saw my serious expression she stopped and pulled me in.

I could not wait anymore to lift the burden of emotions swirling in my mind. I wanted some kind of help or an advice or a suggestion something that would let me take closer to her heart. Evelyn--I don't know how to confess to you. Thinking I must take her help by telling Kendall would be best.

"Kendall I want to talk to you" I said but I was cut off by a phone call.

I gestured her to take the call and which she did before excusing herself.

"Yeah sure.. we will be there" She said excited.

"Right we will be there. No we wouldn't want to miss this opportunity. I know surely Richard would appreciate that" she said in pleasing but professional manner while gazing at me. I was confused as to who it was at the other end.

"Fine we will be there" she responded after a while.

She turned to me in a gleeful expression that I thought I will burden her with my problem later.

"Oh my god oh my God... Richard you know what just happened" Kendall said looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked frowning.

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