Ch 3 - In-Laws

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I ran to my room and sat on my bed. I don't know how long I stayed like that but I guess it was time for dinner because a maid came and kept the food on table and left. I just stared in oblivion. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what I should. I felt so lonely, so hopeless that I lay down staring at the ceiling. I don't know when I slept because next day I woke up with headache.

Eve's POV

I spent my time in my room sometimes writing my thoughts in my diary. Sometimes I would do stretch exercises or painting which I requested him to get me via text. I was still afraid of him, though he didn't hurt me physically I didn't want to test him. He did reply back that he doesn't have time for my crap and called the maids to give me anything that I want. I am seeing their behavior towards me change. Earlier they were openly humiliating me but since the day he dragged me to his room to yell at me, I can see pity in their eyes.

I don't mind because I know they are after all his employees. A month has passed without any calls or visit from my parents. I wanted to meet Mama, but when I asked Mr. Evans about that, he declined each time I asked. I continued doing my usual things when I found someone knocking my door. As usual, I thought it is some maid and I said "Come in".

I continued reading the book which I brought my library when I heard a throat clearing. I looked up and jerked standing up in shock to find him staring at me causing my heart to beat faster, I gulped in fear I felt. My feet were trembling and sweat was running from neck to my spine as I felt his intense gaze on me. 

I went through my entire schedule as to find what wrong did I do, it was the only thought running in my mind. 

After a long silence when I didn't say anything he frowned and said "Evelyn, my mother, and brother are coming to stay, they will arrive this evening and I want you to behave and I don't want to hear any complaints. You will take help from Maria and whatever way she says you will dress up like that. I don't want my mother thinking that I married a homeless and ungraceful girl".

I nodded knowing well he hates my voice and waited for him to go out but he looked around and then his gaze settled on one of my paintings and then suddenly he turned and left. I sighed in relief.

In the evening Maria came and helped me dress up. She did my make up and once she was done she said "You are beautiful Mrs. Evans. I am sorry for putting you in trouble earlier. I thought you were like one of his ex-mistresses. I know that doesn't justify my behavior but I am asking for your forgiveness"

"It's ok Maria, maybe I deserved it" I said smiling a small smile. She looked at me surprised and then said "Oh no dearie you don't.  You deserve to be treated like a princess. And I am feeling so bad for judging you to be one of those bitches".

"It's ok Maria" I said and she nodded smiling. I made my way down to find him sitting in the living room on the sofa. I shivered at the memory of the second day of our marriage when he said he doesn't want to see my face.

I turned around to rectify my mistake when his next words stopped me in my track "About time and where do you think you are going. My family is about to arrive". I turned to face him and saw that he was gesturing me to join in the living room. 

I nodded my head and sat as far as I could from him and for my relief, he didn't even glance at me and I was thankful for that. Soon we heard a car horn and soon a lady and a man entered. He got up from his seat and went to meet them. He hugged his mom after kissing her cheeks. He bro-hugged his brother and once he was done. 

His mother's glance fell on me and I could see the judgment passed and her next words confirmed the same "You married her Son" and I averted my eyes to from her. I didn't know how should I behave.

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