Ch 12 - Ruminating Past

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Why are you feeling like this? You don't deserve her?

I know I don't

You already planned to play with her emotions.

The feelings I was feeling now were quite contradictory to my plans. I wanted her to smile for me be happy with me. I didn't like it. I knew that I can't love her like rose, my beautiful rose. And I remembered that I am just acting. I guess I have to play a game-- the game of hearts with her for some time. It would have been easy if I had not realized how pure and innocent like her, Evelyn is. I know I was so brutal and unjust to her in the past. I thought she was a conniving bitch like her father. I wish I don't have to play with her feelings.

Richard's POV

DREAM ##############################################################

"Richie, I don't want to be your wife" She said.

"Why not love?" I asked her.

"Because I want to be Stevie's wife" She answered.

"No you will be my wife, not Steve's and I will make sure of it" I replied angrily thinking she rejected me.

Her face dropped at my words and tears rolled out of her eyes, her tears making me feel guilty and then I said "ok fine Flower, I will let you play as his wife for now but you promise me that you will marry me when we grow up".

Her innocent eyes perked up and she wiped her tears and said "Ok fine Richie... I will marry you when we grow up Now, I want to play with Stevie" and rushed to him.

She didn't even understand what she was saying, all she wanted was to play house game. She was naive and innocent. I watched Steve and her play the role of husband and wife. She was giggling and Steven had that big smile that made me so jealous even though he was my brother. All the while they were having fun my heart was burning with this feeling called jealousy. Soon Nancy called for us to have food. 

Once we entered, I saw her and Steve sitting next to each other. They were talking and enjoying while I felt jealousy taking over for me. As soon as I saw that Steve was feeding her, I got up from my seat and snatched her hand and dragged her to my room, in spite of her yelling at me to leave her hand. I pushed her inside and closing the room behind us after entering.

"Richie... why did you drag me here... look you held me so tight my hand is aching" she said crying.

I dragged her to our bed and sat with her. She was still crying but I pulled her to me and said " My precious you will not talk to Steve now onwards".

She looked at me and asked innocently"Why can't I talk to Steve? I like to play with him".

I wanted to kiss her, she looked so adorable but I controlled myself and said "You cannot talk to another man because I am saying".

Her expression changed into annoyed one "Why I have to listen to you? I will play with Steven if I like" She said getting angry.

I clenched my jaws at what she said but I wanted to make it clear to her that she cannot defy me so I sternly said"You will listen to me because I am your husband to be".

As she heard that she started crying and said "No you are mean... I will not marry you".

I pulled her to my lap and wiped her tears and whispered to her"Yes you will... you promised me and I will make sure you will keep it, my precious". I held her to me though she tried to get out of my hold I did not let her out because she was my queen and she slept in my arms that night.

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