Ch 5 - Dark Side

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 I felt someone trying to open the door as the knob jiggled and I felt my heart racing and I searched for something to use as a weapon to keep myself safe. Then I heard someone knocking but I ignored and didn't make any attempt to open the door, my heart was literally out of my mouth when I felt someone inserting keys and the door opened to find him standing in front of me. I knew this was it because so far I only found lamp at the bedpost to use and I knew I did not have a very good aim and if I didn't have anything else I was doomed. 

"Evelyn why the hell you locked the door" He asked annoyed but when he saw me holding the lamp he asked frowning "What are you doing holding on the lamp".

I was still in shock but I came up with excuse "I am sorry, I didn't notice" not looking at Mr. Evans. He simply brushed past me and was about to carry on to do whatever he came to do in this room. 

Then suddenly I heard him say sarcastically " I am going to my office and will be back in the evening. Tell my Mom if she asks and meanwhile don't cause any trouble" I nodded. 

When I still kept standing at my place he said "If princess is free can she go and meet my Mother".

I nodded and left to avoid his glare but in doing so I forgot to ask where I have to go to meet her and had already neared the staircase and thought better off to ask one of the maids than to go to him to face his wrath.

I went down and was about to call one of them when I heard someone whispered in my ears from the back "About time you made your presence known love".  I turned to find Steven standing behind me smiling. His smile sent chills and I shivered to see him this close. I don't know how he does that but he is always behind me whenever I am not expecting him.

To avoid him I moved back to go towards the kitchen so I could get someone to tell me where my mother-in-law was. But as soon as I turned my wrist was caught which made me face him again. I was shocked he had the audacity to do this when we could be seen by anyone. It even angered me that he was still pursuing me even after so many rejections.

"I don't have times for your games Steven. Leave me alone" I said bitterly while trying to wriggle my wrist from his grip.

"Eve... Love, I am just trying to help you. My mother is waiting for us. Let me escort you" He said all while dragging me to the place. Though half the way I tried to push away from him, he didn't let go and soon he opened a door and there in the library sat my mother-in-law with an annoyed look.

"Look who decided to join us" She said sarcastically. I think sarcasm runs like blood in their family.

"Mother, please... let's focus on the arrangement, after all, it's our welcome party" Steven said cutting her off and like a miracle, his mother's expression turned from annoying to excited. 

"Please Evelyn.. be comfortable," She said signaling me to sit on the chair next to her. I made my way to her right and was about to sit when I found that Steven also made his way to the same place where I went and he pulled the chair for me to sit and when I sat he pushed it so I was comfortable. Once I was seated, I had a feeling he will be sitting next to me to torture me but surprisingly he moved to the opposite side and sat left of his Mom and then his mother began lashing out her orders for Party.

"I want a fancy seating arrangement for the guests with lighting. I want tier 4 cake which is simple yet elegant and resembles the masked the theme of the party, the stage must look elegant and must go with the theme of flower and lighting. Everything should be perfect and if you think you need help reach out to Steven" She finished her plan.

I looked at her for more explanation but found there was no effort from her to elaborate on what exactly she wanted. She just threw a vague idea at me and expected it to be perfect. Then she said looking at her watch "Well that's all and I want Steven to arrange the caterers as he is well aware of the guest's taste. I am running late for meeting my friends at the club. You two continue" and just like a ghost, she vanished from the study room leaving me shocked at what exactly she meant.

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