Ch 13 - Games of heart---The beginning

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  With a gasp, I woke up and found myself on the bed next to Evelyn. I don't know why I am getting this dream now. Maybe my subconscious was telling me that Evelyn is as innocent as her. I made a mistake as a child forcing my decision on Rose and it resulted in me losing her but I will make sure not to repeat that with Evelyn. I will carry on with my pretense and if she fell for me I will not divorce her.  

Richard's POV

I woke up after some time, so I went to library and when I saw it was time to go to office. I had my shower and got ready. By the time I came to the breakfast table, I saw Evelyn sitting and having a talk with Maria. I don't know how and when they became friends but it was great to see her laugh.

"Good Morning Evelyn and Maria" I said smiling and Maria wished back so did Evelyn after recovering from shock. But that was fine because I never wished her before and it was surprise and shock or should I say she did not just expect from me.

Maria served my breakfast and I could feel her cheerfulness don't know whether it was due to Evelyn or me wishing them I had it while looking at Evelyn who did not lift her eyes from her place. I don't know why she was acting nervous, so I made an effort to make a small talk.

"Evelyn how are you feeling today" I asked before chewing my toast.

"I am good thank you Mr. Evans" She said nervously glancing at me.

I smiled and said "Good to hear and Evelyn I will go to the hospital to collect your reports today".

"No need Mr. Evans I will do that. You don't need to waste your time" she replied nervously.

"No It's fine anyways I have work in that area and Evelyn taking care of my wife is not time waste for me" I said while getting up and that statement did bring the surprise in her eyes and I liked it.

Again I realized that my pretense is making me really slip some words which I don't mean. I rushed to my office and finished my meeting and then went to the hospital to meet the doctor Sharon.

"Mr. Evans I got your wife's medical reports and all looks good but I would say she undergoing some mental stress and it would do her good if you can take her away for a while" She said.

I sighed in relief but to be sure I probed "Oh I can very well arrange that but are you sure there's nothing wrong because she is having nightmares and I feel she is not well".

"No I don't think anything wrong physically but are you aware of any bad incident in past because that can cause the person to have nightmares" She said looking at me expectantly.

"Oh no, I can't think of any"  I replied immediately.

"Well, in that case, I would say mental stress can lead to nightmares so yes it would be good if you can take her to some other place." She said assuring me.

"Thank you doctor Sharon I will definitely arrange for a tour by tomorrow. I can't bear to see her stressed" I said acting like a concerned husband while shaking hands with her and leaving the hospital.

It was good for me to know that Evelyn was doing good. Now to move on to the next part of my plan, I called my secretary to arrange my honeymoon and asked her to schedule my private plan for Bora Bora. While I was rushing home my secretary Rina confirmed that my vacation is planned and the meetings I was supposed to have had been successfully rescheduled. I bolted out of my car to find Evelyn. 

The thought of me and her being alone without any interruptions from Steven brought a smile on my face but also a fear that I might fall in my own trap of pretense. I have to show my love to her and hopefully, she would be willing to overlook my past behavior and we could act like a happily married couple for the next 8 months. 

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