Darren was fuming. He was ready to tear everything in the room to shreds. He could feel the world shatter even more around him just when he was starting to make sense of it. His dad just was too emotional to finally see the light into acceptance, what his mom really wanted. This was like a huge slap to his face. But even more it was a break in his faith. He had never believed something so firmly to have it shut down so painfully. And by his very own father. 

He ran up the stairs and slammed the door loudest he could.

It was like he was back to square one, huddling in the corner.


"That's bribery, Justin," Ariana said.

"I'd kill to save Julian," Justin replied, "and I gladly handed the doctor 100k for Julian to be moved to top priority."

She shook her head, but with a bit of relief. She had researched that there were about 20,000 available hearts per year donated, but a very small percentage were the size of small, young Julian. But as soon as one came up...

Justin was saving Julian's life, saving her. He eyes were starting to lid heavily. She was scrolling through the information on Julian's situation when she saw a side pop-up about Justin Bieber. And his multiple whores. "HIS HUGE BIRTHDAY BASH REVEALED." "PICTURES FINALLY RELEASED."

Ariana clicked on the link and her eyes were just popping open. Justin Bieber. Who she remembered distinctly just to have said he was done with that life-

"Babe?" Justin frowned, "You look-"

The phone suddenly rang and Justin immediately picked up.

"Hello," Justin said, "Yes... uh- no- not legally but- okay- I'll hand it to her."

He handed Ariana the phone.

"Hello," Ariana said, taking the phone, momentarily pushing what was on her screen out of her mind, "Yes, I am Julian Grande's legal guardian. Yes. WHAT?!"

Her eyes lit up.

Justin's heart pounded.

"They do?! They have an available heart?!" Ariana's voice broke and he was going crazy. The day was saved! God was really there with them! Julian would smile again! He would live a beautiful live and live it through, perfectly. He would understand a real home and family! He would finally have a stable shelter and sturdy arms to care for him! All the world to see, to spend!

Justin felt his spirits lifted. He would've spent his entire net worth on getting Julian to the top of that list. And he got him the heart. Julian was saved. Everything would be okay! It'd all be fine! He held back the urge to jump on Ariana and kiss her and hug her tightly.

"Yes, Julian is AB+," Ariana said, "What's wrong? What? Well- Justin- I mean- my friend- uh has AB+! I'm sure some blood could be donated for the surgery?"

Justin could see the wavering faith suddenly injected in Ariana. What was wrong?

Ariana's lip started quivering, "Wait- that much? That's so much blood needed... We have two weeks? The little boy that's donating... he... oh. Okay. Thank you so much. Yes. I will keep in touch."

She hung up, finger shaking, as if afraid to break the line.

"The boy that's donating to Julian. He has statistically the perfect fit. He's even AB+. But he's dying of a disease that lessens his blood. It's not transmittable, so they'll be able to get it into Julian safely, as long as they have a 2 or 3 liters of blood."

It was quiet for a moment.

Then Ariana explained it further, "Justin there is no way they can take that much blood out of you in two weeks time."

"I'd kill, I said," Justin whispered, taking Ariana's hands into his, "and I'd kill myself. I don't care if I die in the process."

She was starting to cry again, "No- please Justin! There has to be another way! We'll get AB+ blood some other way! We'll be okay!"

The laptops were put to the side of the bed now and the article was mostly out of Ariana's mind. She couldn't even think about it right now. All she knew was she wanted Justin. 

He outstretched his arms towards her. She sobbed into his chest, even cry begging him not to leave.


Darren was almost seeming red, seething. This is what his mother wouldve wanted! All that blood! It could save someone's life! And his father- a doctor- was disregarding that, even in the AB+ shortage!

He was suddenly stuck with guilt for a second, through his stubborn-ness. Was his dad right?

Was he not sensitive enough? Did he really just want to bury his mother as a sack of skin? Empty? 

Darren felt lost there was no right and wrong, was there? What could be done? Isn't this world every man for himself? That had been his concept.


Justin stroked Ariana's hair. She was fast asleep on his chest. Everything was at peace. Same with Justin's decision. If there was not blood in time for the surgery, he would donate all he could. He wanted every ounce of blood they could get out of him. 

He wanted that blood straight out of him and into Julian as soon as possible. All that his son needed. 

Every man for himself. But now it's this man for his boy.


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 Q-dee-doo: WHAT TO DO?! omg so dramatic and stuffie :)

 love you, for 57k reads and 1700+ votes! y'all magical!

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