07|| Why Black? Why Not Pink?

Start from the beginning

I pushed him away and we just stared at each other. His face turning redder and redder.


"Ahem!" We both look up to see Miya smirking. "What's going on here?" She blinks her eyes several times.

"Nothing!" Me and Tamaki say in unison. We look at each other at the same time and then I quickly look away.

"Reeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyy?" Her index finger tapping the corner of her lips. "Hey Hikaru! Kaoru!"

The twins suddenly peeked their head out from behind her and smirk. "Yes, Miya."

"Daddy was sexually harassing Ana just now." All three of their smirks grow wider at the same time, a dark aura surrounds them.

"Ohhhh..." The twins leaned in closer. "Sexually harassing huh?"

"What?!" Tamaki seemed shellshocked. "I-I-I-I--"

"Not only that!" Miya points to Tamaki accusingly "But Ana was asleep too."

"Wow boss..." Hikaru scoffs with a smirk.

"...That's low." Kaoru raises a brow.

"I WASN'T--" Tamaki tried to protest.

"Oh really?" Miya turns around 90 degrees and glances at Tamaki from the side. "So why did I just see you try to ki--"

"Excuse me can you please go back to your seats. We are landing in 5 minutes, it is dangerous." Leah taps her foot and points to their seats.

"Don't tell me what to d--" Miya points to Leah.

"Miya..." Haruhi warns and Miya reluctantly walks back to her seat, the twins in tow.

What was Miya about to say just now?

I turn to Tamaki to find him already looking at me. I smile. "W-well... I better go back to my seat."

"Y-yeah..." He gave me a small wave. I giggled and walked back to my seat.

"Well what was that just now?" Lucifer smirked as he rolled up the headphones.

"What was what?"

"Oh nooothing!" He giggled mischievously.

"So when we land--" he cut me off.

"Oh you are such a worry wart sissy!" He pats my shoulder. "I got it man!" He gave me the peace sign. I giggled.

"Okay. I trust you brother." I grinned and hugged him. His body stiffened and I looked up to see him give me a sad smile. "Brother? What's wrong?" I slowly pulled away and he shook his head.

"Nothing." He turned around.

"What? Can't be nothing! Tell meeee!" I tugged on his leather jacket.

"It's nothing Ana." He gently swats my hand away.

"Come on!" I tug on his jacket again.

"I SAID IT'S NOTHING ANAKAIA!" He shouts. Silence. It was so quite you could even hear a pin drop.

He roughly slaps my hand and huffs, turning around to look out the window.

"Y-You... you always keep things from me..." I look down and my vision started to blur. He stayed silent.

I got up and moved to the back of the jet. "Ana-hime..." I heard Tamaki call out but I ignored him.

I sat at the back and started to sob quietly.

Why does he do this to me? He used to be so kind. Why does he keep things from me? We used to do things together all the time! I'm upset because he used to treat me so kindly... yes, my brother, Lucifer... Satan, king of the underworld treats me kindly... well, used to.

"Milady..." I paused and looked up to see Luda holding out a box of tissues for me.

Keeping my eyes glued to the floor I grabbed the box. "Thank you."

"But Miya the lady told us to stay on our seats..." I hear a voice say. Haruhi.

"Fuck that!" I heard another voice snap. Miya. "Ana! Ana!" I looked up and saw Miya dragging Haruhi, she stomped over to me. "Hello."

She raises a brow up at Luda. "Good evening... Excuse me." Luda gives me a smile and walks off.

"HEY! SHE'S TAMAKI'S!" Miya gives Luda the 'I'm-watching-you' gesture and he smirks, walking away. She turns around with a smirk and then frowns. "What?"

Haruhi flops to my left and Miya sits to my right. "You okay Ana?" Haruhi peers at me.

"I-I..." I look down.

In the corner of my eyes I see Haruhi and Miya mouthing something to each other.

"Errr... So... I thought maybe we could go shopping or something... when we land I mean." Miya stumbles over her words.

I look up, my eyes start to widen.

They want to... hangout.... with me?

"If you're not busy with your princess duties and shi--" Haruhi threw her arm over my shoulder and pinches Miya. "Owww--I mean..." She rubs her shoulder, grits her teeth and glares at Haruhi "If you're not busy with you're princess duties and... stuff."

"Like... hangout?" I ask hopefully.

"Well yeah." She says in a 'duh' tone and throws a piece of candy in her mouth.

"Like... shopping and doing things friends do?"

She turns to me and gives me a 'what-the-fuck' look. "Well naaaaaaaah!"


"Miya!" Haruhi glares at her.

"I was being sarcastic! Obviously Ana, we're friends! Right Haruhi?" She throws an arm around my shoulder and smiles.

"Yeah." Haruhi chuckles.

"See!" She bumps my hip with hers and ruffles Haruhi's hair, with her hand still over my shoulder.

Miya may have the mouth of a sailor but... she has a kind soul. These people really are amazing.

"Then yeah. I'd love to." I smile and so do they.

"Awwwh you're so cute!" She squeezes me into a death gripping hug and then grabs Haruhi and does the same.

"Mi-chan! Ana-chan! Haru-chan!" I look over the seats and see dirty blonde hair and pink bunny ears bouncing up and down. Mori following behind.

"Oh there you are chans! Oh! Can I join?!" Without waiting for an answer Honey jumps into my lap, Miya grabs Mori and we group hug.

"Miya!" Hikaru's voice calls out. Followed by Kaoru.

"Haruhi! Ana!"

"What's going on here?"

"Hey! We wanna join in!"

Hikaru picks Miya up, he sits on her seat and then places her on his lap. Kaoru sits on top of Miya.

"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" I hear Tamaki calling out. He tries to kick the curtain open but instead falls face first.

"Moron." Kyoya rolls his eyes. "We are about to land and you guys are here... hugging."

We look at each other and then nod.


"Sit... please sit down!" Leah comes in right as Tamaki stands up.

"But--" he was about to rat us out but we all sat down and pretended to to our own thing. "They were..."

"What is it sir? They are all sitting down. Please sit down." She says irritatedly and Tamaki pouts.

The host club... my friends... Friends...

I smile at the thought.


Eating fairy floss... jelly?

- Luca

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