09|| Party On Dudes

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"The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow."

- Bob Marley

09|| Party On Dudes


"All right. Remember you are a princess not just of this country but of the underworld. Be aware." Luda warns and I nod.

"Got it." I salute and step out of the car. "Thank you." I smile and close the door.

"Wow!" Miya hollers.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head. "Wow you guys look great." My eyes widen as I look at them.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Miya jumps "YOU LOOK SO GOOD!!!!" She glomps me and I giggle.

"Thank you." I pull her off and she grins.

"You look... So pretty." Haruhi blushes and I ruffle her hair.

"You too."

"You look wonderful." Kyoya compliments and I blush.

"Thank you." I giggle at the amount of times i've said Thank you.

"Let's go!" Miya grabs Kyoya's arm and we walk over to the front of the line.

"Should we not line up?" I ask and Miya turns around on her heels.

"Ana, are you not the princess?" She asks.

Ohhhh yeaaaah!

"Oh right." I shake my head.

"No pass. Line up." The bouncer says and Miya turns to me.

"What did he say?" Haruhi asks.

"Uh... We have to line up." I say and she raises a brow.

"Excuse me!" Miya sasses. "Do you know who this is?!" She gestures to me and the bouncers eyes widen.

"Sorry!" He apologised and opened the door.

"Hmph! That's right!" Miya storms in and bursts out laughing once we were all inside. "That was great!"

"So this is a club?" I look around the small dark room.

"No! it's over there!" Miya points to a door and starts walking towards it.

"Is this your first time in a club?" Haruhi asks as we walked towards the door.

"Yeah, what about you?" I ask.

"No, Miya works at a club back in Japan, so we go there every Friday" She shrugs and I nod.

I can't help but feel excited!

"Ready princess?" Miya smirks and I nod. She opens the door and the music instantly blasts onto my face.

"Whoa!" My eyes lit up at the sight.

In the centre of the room, people danced, laughed, drank. On the outside were booths with couples making out and people drinking.

"FUCK YEAH!" Miya exclaims and jumps up and down.

"The music is a bit too loud! Do you think they could lower it down a notch?" I ask and Miya chuckles.

"NO WAY!" She laughs "Hikaru!" She runs over to her boyfriend and we walk over to the rest of them.

"Hey guys." Haruhi greets and they greet her back. I hid behind her.

My dress is very revealing... What would Tamaki think? Wait... why do I care?

"Why are you hiding, beautiful!?" Miya pulls me out from behind Haruhi and I blush.

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