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* everybody gets off stage and went to enjoy the party*

*Jessica sits on a chair*

Martin: aren't you going to enjoy the party? Talk to people?

Jessica: oh I did. But then my back started to hurt.

Martin: oh I see. * he grabs a chair and sits next to her*

*Maddison came running*

Maddison: Jessica!!

Jessica: uh y-yeah?

Maddison: is it really true? The speech?

Jessica: oh...about the D-Demon?

Maddison: yeah! Was it before or after you guys came here?

Jessica: it was after. Why?

Maddison: I wanted to make sure cause if it was before then I made you feel worse!

Jessica: oh! Hehe no your fine. You didn't do anything wrong.

Maddison: okay. Now I'm gonna go see your other friends to say sorry.

Jessica: I thought you already did.

Maddison: yeah but I still fell bad. You risk your lives for other people and I treated you guys really bad.

Jessica: oh

Maddison: bye! *runs off*

Martin: okay then.

*with Melody and Dean*

Melody: oh. These grapes taste good!

*slow music was going on and melody sees Blaine and Clarissa slow dancing*

Dean: hey uh Melody?

Melody: yeah?

Dean: would you like to dance?

Melody: uh s-sure...

*they both got up to the dance floor*

Clarissa: psst. Blaine look.

Blaine: what?

Clarissa: Melody and dean are dancing with each other!

Blaine: ok so?

Clarissa: 😏😏

Blaine: oh no. What are you gonna do?

Clarissa: oh I'm not doing anything. I'm just hoping something will happen.

*with Brittany and nim*

Brittany; *squeals*

Nim: what's wrong?

Brittany: look! 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

Nim: uh what am I looking at?

Brittany:*trying to talk with food in her mouth* ith meody! Thes dancthing ith ean! ( it's melody! She's dancing with dean!)

Nim: yeah. So what?

Brittany: *swallows her food* they are so cute together!

Nim: *sigh* it's so weird how I actually understood what you said...😐


*with melody and dean*

Dean: ummm. Melody can I ask you something?

Melody: uh sure.

Dean: uhh well.... 😅 would you like to..... go

*Clarissa comes in*

Clarissa: yes! She will totally go out with you!!!

Melody: Clarissa! >///<

Dean: uh y-yeah what she said... 😅

Melody: uh....okay.... 😊

Brittany: *gasps* YES!!!!!!

*everybody in the party looked at her*

Brittany: heh... hi 😅👋 sorry. My otp just became official....

Nim: what the heck is wrong with you?

Brittany: how did you not hear what just happened!?

Nim: oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that whatever melody is doing is any of my business!

Brittany: oh come on!

Nim: stop eavesdropping! You are just like Clarissa.

Brittany: 😅

*when the music finished, they all sat down with jessica*

Martin: hey Nim? Where's you mom?

Lily: I'm right here,

Nim: where were you?

Lily: I was talking to Jerry and the President.

Melody: hey Clarissa.

Clarissa: yeah?

Melody: did you apply for any colleges yet?

Clarissa: yeah actually i did.

Blaine: Clarissa and I are going to the same school.

Jessica: wow! Really?

Nim: what are you going to study?

Clarissa: fashion. I'm actually......

Brittany: what?

Clarissa: I'm actually going to California. The school is over there. It has a good program about fashion.

Nim: how about you Blaine?

Blaine: I'm going to sign up for basketball.

Nim: wow!

Melody: I'm going to Yale guys.

Dean: whoa! Really!

Melody: yeah...

Dean: my family live by there.

Melody: that's cool!

Clarissa: how about you Melody?

Melody: I'm going to study in nursing.

Dean: wow! What kind of nurse?

Melody: I don't know yet.

Dean: I want to open up my own restaurant.

Brittany: really!? That's so cool!

Nim: I want to be a veterinarian. (I think that's how you spell it) I love animals! 🐰🐹🐭🐭🐱🐱

Lily: that's a good choice.

Martin: I honestly don't know what I want yet. So I'm going to take a year off and go traveling around the world.

Lily: how about you jessica?

Jessica: an elementary school teacher.

Brittany: aw! I was thinking of becoming a physical therapist.

Clarissa: I honestly thought you were going to be a chef.

Brittany: really? Why? 😂

Clarissa: cause you love food.

Brittany: 😂😂 oh please! I don't have the patience to cook.

Everybody: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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