New york

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*the gang made it to New York*

Martin: whoo!! We're here!!  Look at all the sights!

Nim: where are we exactly?

Melody: let's check the map!

*lily and melody look at the map and started talking*

Clarissa: while they're doing that I'm gonna go shopping! Look! Jessica!  There's a JCPenny! *Clarissa pulls jessica to the store*

Jessica: aw Clarissa! Now!?

Martin: look!!! There's a GameStop!

Blaine: you want to check it out!?

Martin: yeah!

*martin and Blaine leave to the GameStop*

Nim: uh guys! Shouldn't we wait until they---

Brittany:*gasps* Nim! Look! There's a hot dog cart!  Let's get a hot dog!

Nim: but-

Brittany: come on I'm hungry!! *she pulls Nim and takes her across the street to where the hot dog cart was*

Melody: okay guys here's the plan! Lily and---- *when she looked up her and lily realized that everyone was gone* uhhh

Lily: where did everyone go?

Melody: I have no idea!

Lily: this isn't good.

Melody: okay uh... let's--

Lily: let's check the park.

Melody: okay.

*with Nim and Brittany*

Nim: are you done Brittany?

Brittany: hold on.... okay now I'm done! *she threw away the wrapper that held the hot dog* okay that was so good!

Nim: okay now let's go back to the others.

*as they crossed the street they realized that melody and lily weren't there*

Brittany: uhh... I'm pretty sure that this was the spot..

Nim: it is!  They probably thought we were lost or something and went out to look for us!

Brittany: well then what are we waiting for!? Let's go find them!

Nim: *sigh* okay.

*as they started walking, they were both struggling getting through the huge crowd and sticking together*

Brittany: Nim! Where are you!

Nim: over here!! I'm by the sign that says subway!

Brittany: oh! I see you!

Nim: meet me by the dumpster over there in the ally! There's less people!

Brittany: okay!

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