Ch. 40: Perfect Situation

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"I know."

"What?" My eyes widen in shock. "When did you find out?"

"Before you get mad at me, I knew only because I walked in on the making out last week. They didn't see me, so I stepped out."

"That's still not justifiable! Why didn't you tell me!"

"I didn't need to tell you." He sighs deeply. "And its neither of our problems."

"Oh yes it is. I saw it okay. The guilt will just eat me away if I don't tell Casper."

"At least talk to them first about it. I know my cousin, but your so called best friend seems like a person who loves to wreck things."

"Why would you say that?" My eyebrows raise.

"I have a feeling." He tightens his grip on the steering wheel.

I'm annoyed at his vagueness. I wasn't really in the mood to argue, so I let it go that he knew about this. He didn't have to tell me, but it felt weird knowing he knew and didn't think he should tell me. Here I am spilling all the secrets. I guess I am bad at keeping things to myself... except for myself. "So you didn't think to tell me about my two best friends? The one you are sleeping with." I still continue to pester even though I know he's right. It isn't exactly our problem. We both have enough on our plates with each other.

His jaw clenches. "Alice is my cousin. I will always have her back before anyone else's."

My chest aches at his words, but it somehow massages my heart. His love for his cousin is quite admirable in a way, and I would never want to get in the way in that.

"I get that. I do, but knowing what I know... I need to tell Casper or confront them both."

"I won't stop you. That's up to you, but I will never go against my cousin."

I couldn't help but smile at him. I turn to look at him. His loyal thinking makes me want to swoon. Even if it is for the bad.

"What?" He says. His eyes on the road, or at least I think because his glasses are on.

"Nothing." I look forward again.

He stops in front of my house, "There's a scary movie out at midnight show."

"Cool." I answer him while I unbuckle my seatbelt. "Are you coming up to bed?"

He sighs deeply.


"I'm trying to ask you if you'd go with me."

"Oh." He stares ahead, looking at the streets beyond. "Like a date?"

"No." He says quickly.

"Oh." I look down at my hands, my fingers jittering in a way that shows me I'm becoming anxious. "No I- uh I'm too tired tonight."

"I'm new to this." He suddenly says to me.

"New to what?"

"Asking people on dates."

"But you just said it wasn't a date?"

"Ugh." He groans loudly, his head falling to the steering wheel. "Can you please just come."

Such a confusing boy. "I'll change." I rush to my house. There was still some preteens around the neighborhood trick or treating.

I didn't know what to wear, especially since I was trying to hurry for Jake. Was it a date or not? I just put on some old jeans, with a tank top, and a light sweater so I don't get cold. I don't bother taking off my old makeup from the party, so I start for the stairs again.

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