{Needed me}

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"Carl, could you please pass the salt" my boyfriend Tyler asked. Carl glanced up at from his plate and handed the salt to him. I don't know what Carl's problem has been for the last week. I know that he knows that Tyler and I well do stuff, but Carl and I broke up a long time and he should get over it, I'd still like to be his friend. Tyler's way better anyways, he's tall, has red hair (and in a hot way), has muscle (I'm not kidding), is a year older than me and is way more experienced than Carl.

When dinner was done the three of us were excused. I sat down on Tyler's lap on the couch and kissed his cheek. Carl picked up an old magazine and absentmindedly flipped through it. "Hey Tyler" he said, not looking up. "Yeah?" He asked, glancing away from me. I pulled his vision back to me and smiled, waiting for Carl to talk. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out a bit later, I would like to get to know you a bit better."

I was genuinely surprised at what just came out of Carl's mouth. I nodded my head to Tyler and he smiled at my eager expression. "Sure, that sounds good. When?" "Hour from now? We could play cards or something." Tyler nodded his head and Carl got up to leave. After he left we talked for a bit until the realization dawned. Carl's never asked anyone and I mean anyone to play cards. I actually asked him once and he said he'd rather a walker slowly tear him apart. So what does he actually wanna do?!

Carl and Tyler finally left. I feel bad but I really don't trust Carl. When he's jealous and gets an idea he won't let it go. Carl broke up with me anyways, so why is he acting so dumb.

A few hours later
My window was open and I heard some people talking outside. I poked my head out the window and noticed Carl and Tyler walking by. "Hey! Tyler! Babe!" I yelled out at him. He looked confused and had his eyes squinted. He finally noticed me, "I have girlfriend!" He yelled, his words kind of slow. I stuck my head back inside and went downstairs. Frickin Carl must've found Abrahams stash. Who knows how drunk they are.

I grabbed a coat and stepped outside. I glanced around and didn't see them. I cursed under my breath as I continued to walk down the street. Splash! I turned my head towards the pond and heard two voices. Oh god. I ran over to the spot and noticed them. They were huddled around something by the edge of the bank. "What're you guys doing?" They turned their heads, Carl had his hands cupped. I walked over and peered over his shoulder. "Why do you guys have a poor fish?"

Tyler looked taken aback at my simple question. "It could've drownded!" He said, pointing to the fish and then the water. I held back a laugh and tried to tell them it wasn't drowning. In the midst of it, Tyler looked to me, "some girl was calling me babe earlier! But I told her I had a girlfriend." He seemed very proud of himself and I widened my eyes at their drunken stupidity.

That's when Carl screamed. I thought he'd freaking stabbed his other eye out by the sound of him. Instead he held the fish close to his chest, "its dead!!" Tyler scrambled over to Carl and stared at the poor fish. "No!" Carl whimpered. As if on cue they both started to cry.

"Uh don't cry!" I begged as I set the fish down on the ground. I tried to comfort the two drunk crying teenage boys but gave up.  Eventually they stopped. "Can-can we have a funeral for Twinkles?" Carl asked me. I glanced up at him, "who the hell is Twinkles?" "The fish!" Carl and Tyler both whined. I shook my head and smiled to myself. "Of course of course, go dig a hole and we'll have a funeral for um, Twinkles."

Twenty minutes later I was standing next to these two idiots as they set a fish in a hole they dug with a stick. "Twinkles was a good fish. All I wanted to do was save him." Tyler said sadly. "Turns out he didn't need saving. Rest in peace in fish heaven!" Carl yelled. "Shhhh!" I hushed as I slapped my palm over his mouth.

Tyler kicked some dirt over the hole and I tried to coax them to come back to the house with me. After some crying and whining I finally managed to get them to follow.

I opened the door slowly and told them to be quiet. I always forget there's other people in the house. Carl went to his bedroom which is on the ground level and I climbed the stairs up to mine. Tyler didn't seem drunk and stupid anymore he, instead, seemed drunk and horny.
"It's late, it's time to go to bed." I told him, shutting the door behind myself. I told him to get in bed as I changed into one of his shirts that I use as pyjamas. As I did so he wound his hands around my waist and kissed my neck slowly. "We'll be quiet" he murmured slowly in my ear, walking back towards the bed.

I was so temped to give him what he wanted, but he's drunk and won't remember anything and I'm tired. "Not now" I say, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. "Pleasssssssse!" he said, tugging at the hem of my shirt. "No, if you really want to help yourself out I'm going to bed." I got under the covers and shut my eyes, I felt him crawl in behind me. "It's just not the same without you" he sighed as he laid his head on my chest. I closed my eyes again as I remembered that Carl used to say that all the time to me. "Night" I mumbled. "Wuv you" Tyler said into my shirt.
So that was ok I guess I don't know. Sorry I haven't been very active but tomorrow's my last day of school!! So hopefully this summer I'm more active...ugh can the walking dead just start again?! Anyways I hope all of you guys are having an awesome so far, stay awesome. Oh and did any of you watch the series finale of pretty little liars?! Holy shit that was amazing!

Song you should try/High by the beach/Lana Del Rey


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