{Now and then}

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This imagine will be taking place at Alexandria but this is when Negan is there.
I made this one up fyi lol. If you're not caught up on TWD then read at your own caution.
I don't even know what's real and what isn't anymore. My days are slow and a blur, the nights are cold and heartbreaking. It's been a week and a half since Negan had killed Abe and Glenn. Maggie had lost her baby, yesterday we managed to get to HillTop and it was to late. Ever since Glenn had died she'd been inconsolable, now she's even worse. Last night after we'd returned from HillTop we had found her lying in bed, ready to take her own life. Just like her now dead sister, Beth.

Beth had shown me the scar on her wrist. And she made me promise not to do that to myself. So far I'd kept the promise, but I'm seriously considering breaking it. The only thing that kept me from doing it was Carl. He's been there for me during this all. And when he finally broke down the other day, I was there for him. I don't know what was wrong with me. Up to this point we'd lost so many people. So many countless friends lost along the way and I was always able to keep it together after a day of crying. This time I just couldn't comprehend what was happening. Why was Negan here? Why did he want us? Why couldn't this all just be the end?

I was laying on the bed. It was around 11ish at night and I was waiting for Carl. Where was he? He was usually back by now, asleep next to me, his face buried in my shoulder. I slowly got up and walked downstairs. Michonne and Rick were still up, I didn't wanna know what they were doing  before I came down. "Is Carl back yet?" I asked drowsily. "Yeah, he's helping out the family next door" Rick told me, "He should be back soon." I nodded and padded upstairs, hearing a faint giggle come from Michonne. I rolled my eyes and pulled back the blankets on the bed. I crawled under them and got comfortable. Just as I was dowsing off, Carl walked in. My eyes snapped open and I smiled sleepily as I watched him take his hat off.

"Hey" I whispered, he turned to look at me and smiled. "Hey babe" he whispered back. He shrugged off his jacket and draped it over a chair. He pulled his shirt off over his head and stepped out of his mucky jeans. He quietly walked over and crawled in bed beside me, wearing only his boxers. I turned over and looked at him. He leaned over and kissed me, I kissed him back. "I missed you" he murmured sweetly into my neck. I closed my eyes and fell into him. His body felt warm and for the moment, it relaxed me. He pulled my face to his and kissed me again. This time it seemed a bit for urgent and not as gentle. I entangled my hands in his hair and he pulled himself on top of me. Before anything else could happen, we heard a screeching noise coming from across the hall. It was Judith. I sighed rather loudly as I allowed Carl to get up. He glanced at me longingly before pulling on some sweats.

He pulled open the door and slipped out without a word. I buried my face into Carl's pillow, having the urge to scream. I felt like a whiny two year old. But seriously, the first time in a while I actually feel good and someone wrecks it! As I though to myself, Carl came back into the room. To lazy to pull off his sweats, he climbed back into bed. "Sorry, she had a nightmare" he murmured. I closed my eyes and nodded. He lightly kissed my cheek, "night" he whispered. I rested my head on his chest and closed my tired eyes, "night."

I woke up early. The sun was just beginning to rise outside. I yawned as I looked over at Carl. He had his arms wrapped around my body and his head was buried into the crook of my neck. His hair tickled me. I didn't want to wake him but I had to get up. "Wake up" I said in a hushed voice. He didn't even move. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, right before I pushed him off myself. His eye snapped open, "what was that for?" He asked groggily. "I asked you politely" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled and rolled over. I quickly got dressed and crept downstairs. No one was up and I peeked out the window. It didn't look like there was anyone out there. I shrugged on one of Carl's coats and I unlocked the front door. I opened it and stepped out into the crisp autumn morning. I slowly walked down the steps and glanced around. No one. I smiled and started to make my way down the road.

Before everything that happens with Negan, I wouldn't have been so paranoid to go for a morning walk. Now I knew that I should be, I was really scared of Negan and his cronies. Who knew what they'd do to an unarmed teenage girl who was walking around in the early morning. I shuddered and kept on walking. I cut across the big patch of grass that grew in the middle of Alexandria. It was still dewy and almost slipped. As I made my way to the other street, a low snicker caught my attention. I looked around and noticed Negan himself walking towards me. Well aren't I special. I had the strong urge to turn around and run but I knew I'd definitely pay for it later.

"Hello, gorgeous" he said with a coy smile. I grimaced at him as he looked me up and down. He leaned in towards me, "I remember you" he whispered. "You're the one who was dating the little serial killer. Right?" All I could do was nod slowly. "How about you come with me for a walk?" He started to walk the way I had just come. I obliged reluctantly, and trailed after him. As we walked he kept humming. "You seem scared" he said. I glanced over at him, wishing that I had stayed with Carl. I didn't say anything. He stopped walking. I noticed that we were standing by edge of Alexandria where no one really lives. He looked over at me and smiled. "Ready sweetheart?" he asked me. Before I knew what was happening, he had pushed me up against the side of a house. He pressed his gross lips against my neck. "Get off of me!" I screamed. I stomped on his foot but he didn't move.

Negan let go of my me for a second. He wiped his mouth with his hand. I tried to run away but he pulled a gun on me. "Not so fast, when I told you, I wanted you for myself, I wasn't lying." He muttered while he continued to point the gun at me. "I always get what I want" he whispered. I felt the familiar urge to throw up. "Take off your shirt" he instructed. My eyes grew big, "n-no" I stammered. He motioned to the gun and pointed it directly at my head. "Take it off" he demanded. Not knowing what else to do, I quickly threw off my coat and pulled my shirt off. He cocked his head, "that's better. Now the bra" he said. I shook my head, tears brimming my eyes. He took a step towards me. "Now" he said, anger audible in his voice.

I unclasped my bra and it fell onto the ground. I covered my chest with my hands. My face turning red. "See now that wasn't so hard" he said. "Now I want the pants off" he instructed. Instead of shaking my head or saying no, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "help!" Negans face turned red and he pushed me roughly against the house. His hand went over my mouth and his gun went to temple. "Take the pants off now or I shoot your brains out" he whispered gruffly into my ear. A tear rolled down my face as he took a step away. I glared at him and un-did the button on my jeans. I took a shaky breath, ready to pull them down. Instead I heard voices. I turned around and saw Rick, Carl, Michonne and Aaron running towards us.

Negan looked furious. I let out a sigh of relief. Tears flowed down my cheeks as they approached us. I covered my chest, not wanting Rick, Michonne and Aaron to see it. I ran to Carl, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around my bare abdomen. My loose jeans, hanging loosely on my hips. Carl and I continued to hug as Rick and the others yelled back and forth to Negan. I tried my best to drown out their words. "Are you ok babe?" Carl whispered into my ear. I shook my head vigorously and continued to cry. He pulled tighter. Carl walked towards my clothes, making sure that he didn't expose my chest. Carl bent over and picked up what Negan had made me strip. He wrapped the jacket around my shoulders and stuffed my shirt and bra into the pocket. After a few more minutes, Rick said we were going. As we turned to leave, Carl glanced back at Negan, still clutching me. He glared at him with deep hatred before he turned us to go.

When we got back to the house Carl and I walked upstairs to our room. I crawled underneath the messy blankets. Carl sat down next to me. He stroked my hair sweetly. "Did-did he hurt you? Did he do anything to you?" He asked me with concern. "He would've if you guys hadn't of showed up" I murmured. "Oh god" Carl whispered. "Can you just hold me?" I asked him quietly. He nodded his head and laid down next to me. I cuddled next to him, he wrapped an arm around my protectively. I closed my eyes, and tried to forget about the difference of now and then.
Omg I had no idea how to end that lol. Sorry this took so long to publish. I hope you guys liked it. Have a great week!!

Song you should try: Let you get away/Shaun Frank


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