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My apologies in advance if this one sucks
I've always been that girl that no one ever talked to. Either they didn't want or didn't know how to. I've been at Alexandria basically since the start. My brother Sam is the only family I have and I rarely see him. The new group came last week and they seem nice enough. There's one boy that was with them named Carl, he's about my age.

"Hey (Y/N)" someone shouts from the street. I'm sitting on the porch reading and I look up surprised. Carl and a few of the others are standing in front of my house with a basketball. "Wanna join?" Carl asks me. I scour the small group and realize I'd be the only girl. Buuut, I don't get offers like these very often. "Sure" I saw, drawing out the u slowly. My stomach did nervous flips as Carl smiled at me, the sun hitting his blue eyes. I walk silently with them to the house that has a net. As we walk Carl leans in close to me, "don't worry, you can be on my team."

His words didn't make him sound like a douche, they made him sound nice. They calmed my stomach for about a minute at least. We get to the house and everyone breaks off. I follow Carl and we start playing. I don't really know how to play so I stand off to the side. Who knows, maybe they don't know how to play either and I just can't tell. "C'mon (Y/N), join in" Carl pants, his long hair falling in his eyes. I draw a small circle with my shoe on the pavement. "I don't really know how to play" I finally mumbled. They all shrugged their shoulders, "all you need to do is watch the ball and if I throw it at you catch. If I tell you to throw it in the net, try to do that" Carl says with a smile.

I nod my head nervously and start to slowly run after the guys. One of the guys on my team named Theo, threw the ball at me and I miraculously caught it. I was so happy with myself that I forgot to pass it and someone from the other team grabbed it from me. I didn't even care though, I caught it!

After about ten minutes I finally loosened up and started to get into the game. Someone threw Carl the ball and he ran around dribbling it. I kind of zoned out at the moment and was watching the people come in through the gates. "(Y/N)! Watch out!" Someone yelled. It was too late. Carl crashed into me and I fell to the gravelly pavement. The hall fell from Carl's hand and landed inches from my head. To top it off Carl landed right on top of me which earned some snickers from the others.

Mortified, I pushed Carl up and tried to stand up, only to realize that my knee was in great pain. A small gash filled with dirt and grit had formed and a small trickle of blood ran down the leg. Of course I had to choose today to wear shorts. "Ohmygod, (Y/N)! Are you ok?" Carl asks worriedly. I take a few tentative steps forward. "It kind of hurts" I finally admit. Carl shakes his head and slings my arm around his sweaty neck. "I'm gonna take her home" Carl says to the others.

We didn't go to my house, we went to Carl's. He said they had stuff there for my knee. Carl carefully helps me into the house and up the stairs to the bathroom. He switches the light on and I sit on the toilet lid. He takes out a band-aid and some clear gel stuff. "What is that stuff?" I ask wearily. "Polysporin" he mumbles, putting some on the band-aid. He then gets a cloth and wets it. He dabs it lightly on my cut and then places the band-aid on it. "There" he says, smoothing it out and then quickly kissing it.

My cheeks blush at his cute gesture. "I'm sorry" Carl begins, standing up. I grab his shirt and pull him back down to where I am. I slowly kiss his lips. They taste sweet, like honey or something. "Can't wait for next time" I say as I stand up. My knee feels better and I slowly walk down the stairs and to the front door. Carl runs up behind me. He quickly turns me around and plants another kiss on my lips. I open my eyes in surprise and then I smirk. "We should do that more often Grimes" I say as I open the door. "Oh and thanks for the band-aid" I yell behind my shoulder as the door closes.
Omg I haven't written an imagine in FOREVER!! So my apologies for this very short and sucky one. I just wanted to write a quick one to get back into it lol. I'll definitely aim to have a better one posted sometime next week. I hope you guys maybe liked this? Idk lol. Have a good weekend, love you all for still reading these.

Song you should try: Somebody Else/the 1975


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