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There he was again. Giving me a quick sideways glance with those god given blue eyes. I'm not sure if he knew that I knew he was looking at me. I've never really talked to Carl. I joined the group at the prison. The only ever real conversation we had was when he accidentally walked in on me showering, and it was very awkward. Maybe that's the reason why we never bonded. I feel like we should've by now if anything were to happened between us. Friendship or even more. But why would Carl want me.

I gathered my books that I'd been reading and I stood up from the bench I'd been sitting on. I tucked my hair behind my ear and started back for my house that I shared with Carol. Carol was like my mom, I think she liked having a daughter figure around again. I didn't know Sophia very well but I know that she turned and was killed. I also know that Carl was friends with her. I felt Carl's eyes on my back as I walked away.

When I got home I flicked on all the lights and sighed. Carol wasn't home but I could smell the faint aroma of spices in the air. She had been backing earlier. I hate that Carol has to pretend to be someone she's not just so she can fit in. I throw my books on the counter and slowly pull myself up the stairs to my room. When I get there, I fling myself on my bed and close my eyes. Drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Carl's POV ~

She definitely caught me staring that time. I flicked my eyes in the direction of the wall. I turned my pocket knife around and around in my hand. (Y/N) stood up and grabbed her pile of books. Maybe if I started reading, she'd like me. I'd always got this feeling that she didn't like me very much. She smirked at me and walked away towards her house, her hair blowing in the wind. When she was gone I rubbed my eyes and stood up. I should just man up and tell her I like her already. At least, that's what Glenn told me to do.

I decided that tonight at dinner I would tell her. Whether it goes smoothly or not, I have to let her know. I started to walk back towards my house, kicking rocks as I went. As I was walking past all the houses, I stopped in front of Carols and (Y/N)'s house. Without thinking I walked up onto the porch, I slightly pushed the door open. "Hello?" I said quietly as I peeked inside. The lights were off and I couldn't see anyone. Then I heard a scream from upstairs. "(Y/N)!" I yelled as I dashed up the stairs. I pushed open the nearest door which happened to be her room.

She was sitting on her bed, holding her head in the hands. She looked up. "Carl? What the hell are you doing in my house?" She asked, her voice slightly higher. I looked at the ground. "I wanted to say hi and then I heard you screaming." I murmured, trying not to get lost in her eyes. She shrugged and pulled her hair over her shoulder. "Are you ok?" I asked her slowly, tentatively stepping towards her. She looked up again and nodded her head slightly. "Can I sit down?" I asked her, she nodded her head again and I took a seat next to her. "I get nightmares a lot" I heard her murmur. I was silent for a moment, "I get them as well" I said in almost a whisper. She glanced at me and rested her head on my shoulder. I tensed up for a moment but relaxed.

She  lifted her head up and looked at my eyes, her own eyes slowly trailing down to my lips. Her lips parted slightly, she leaned slowly in towards me. She tilted her head and directed her lips towards my ear, her breath tickling my neck. "Would it kill you if we kissed right now?" She murmured into my ear. Before I could do anything in response she had her lips on mine. My eyes widened in shock but they softened at her touch and slowly shut. Her lips were soft as they gently moved against mine. I don't think she knew how long I've wanted to do this.

(Y/N)'s POV ~

It was something in his eyes when I kissed him. They went from shocked to I love this in less then five seconds. I had a warm feeling in my chest when I pulled away from him. He snapped his blue eyes back open, smiling. I licked my lips and looked at our hands on the bed. Our fingers entwined. "I'm sorry" I said quietly with an embarrassed smile. He caught my cheek in his hand, I looked up at him and all my feelings mixed into one. "The only thing you should be sorry about is that you didn't do it sooner" he whispered gently. I blushed at his sweet words. Stood up and walked towards the door, "we should get to dinner, I'll meet you there" he said with a smile. He left and I watched him cross the street from my window.

At dinner we acted like nothing had happened between us. We didn't even sit next to each other, I sat at my usual spot next to Maggie and Glenn. He sat by Michonne and Rick. Though we did keep glancing at each other and smiling. When dinner was over and I had helped with dishes I went to stand on the porch. The cool night air making me wish I had brought a jacket. "Hey" I heard a voice behind me whisper. I turned around and Carl was standing by the door. "Hi" I replied with a grin. Carl gestured for me to follow him and he walked around to the other side of the house where no one would see us. As soon as we got there, Carl grabbed my waist and pushed me up against the house, his lips crashing against mine. I smiled against his lips and entangled my hands in his overgrown hair.

He moved his lips down to my neck and started kissing it, making me squeal with delight. He smiled and started to lightly suck on my skin. "Make sure know one can see it" I murmured to him. He smiled and made a trail of kisses back to my lips. Our lips fit perfectly together and moved in sync. I took my lips off of his and directed them to his neck and then I made my way up to his ear. I lightly kissed his ear lobe and moved to the skin right underneath his ear. Carl's hands hungrily clung to hips as he maneuvered me to the chair sitting on the porch. I sat down and he straddled my waist as we continued kissing.

Carl's POV ~

God I loved her. This morning I woke up with only a distant dream of  kissing (Y/N). Now I'm practically laying on top of her as we make out. "Carl?" I heard someone yell from the front. I groaned and moved off of (Y/N). I leaned over the porch railing, "what?" I yelled back, aggravated. "I'm going home with Judy, what're you doing?" He yelled back. "Uh, showing (Y/N) some constellations" I quickly lied. There was silence for a moment, "be home in twenty minutes" I heard his finally say. I sighed and walked back over to (Y/N). She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I should probably get going" she whispered as I ran my thumb over her hand.

"We have plenty of time to make out again" she added with a laugh. I smiled and gently kissed her lips once more. We walked around back to the front. We walked inside. Only a few people were still here. I sat down at the table and looked at the cover of some boring magazine. (Y/N) was in the kitchen, talking to Tara about something. I smiled to myself as I looked at her again. She walked out of the kitchen, bidding everyone goodnight. "Night Carl" she grinned as she walked by. She stealthy handed a small folded up paper to me and walked out the door.

When I got home I walked up to my room and threw myself on my bed. I put my holster on my desk and I took the paper out of my pocket. I unfolded it and read what it said. My life will end and so will yours so just kiss me anytime. Xoxo, (Y/N) I reread the paper again and again, a smile painted on my face, the feeling of her lips still on my lips, and my neck. I fell asleep reading that note, thinking about my feelings and how I was going to kiss her anytime I wanted to.
So that was kinda cute. It kinda sucked though. Omg the walking dead is on tomorrow and I'm so nervous! One week of school left and only 14 days till Christmas! Have a good walking dead day and week!

Song you should try: Weight of gold/Gallant


Carl Grimes {Imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora