{Please don't leave quite yet}

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This imagine takes place at the farm that my first two imagines took place at.
"Remember, don't wander off to far and come right back if anything happens." Carl and I nodded as Rick laid down more rules before we went on a simple walk to make sure none of the gates had been broken in the recent storm that happened. "Ok, be safe, I love you" Rick said as we slipped on our boots. "Bye" we both yelled behind us as we clomped down the stairs and ran down the middle of the yard. We passed Carol and Maggie as they hauled buckets of water to the house. I waved and almost tripped over a rock in the process. "Be safe!" Carol yelled as I regained balance and ran after Carl.

I stopped to catch my breath when we got to the first gate. I glanced at the horses quickly. 2 them had died since last fall, Shadow and Dusty. I put the distant memory in the back of my brain as Carl and I jumped the fence. "Having fun yet?" Carl asked with a laugh. I roll my eyes playfully and Carl laces his fingers with mine. We pushed open the gate that lead to the Haunted Field and I breathed in the sweet smell of wild flowers. Carl bent over and plucked a vibrant purple flower and tucked it behind my ear. He leaned down and kissed me lightly before we continued to walk.

Every so often we'd both glance around at the fences to make sure they were in tact. Other than that, the walk was peaceful and quiet. Only the sound of our shoes slapping against the hard ground. "Wanna race?" Carl asked, breaking the silence. I stare at him from the corner of my eye, smiling slyly. I let go of his hand. "On the count of three" Carl told me. "One...two...three!" We both took off down the path. Carl was ahead of me but I sped up my pace and quickly ran in front of him. Colours of green, blurred slightly as we raced further and further down the path. Eventually we both stopped. I gasped for breath and stumbled over to an over grown patch of grass and flowers. I took a seat and laid back. Staring at the bright blue sky. Carl followed me, breathing heavily. "That was fun" I whispered, "I won" Carl murmured to me with a smile. "Did not!" I argue as I rest my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat. "How about we call it a tie?" he suggests as he strokes my hair. I nod as I briefly close my eyes.

I hear a snap of a twig and my eyes snap open. "What was that?" I whisper to Carl worriedly. "Hmmm?" he asked me drowsily. "It was nothing, lay back down babe." I glance around at the forested area one more time. Carl sits up and slowly presses his lips to mine. For a moment my worries melt away as I pull him closer to me. I love to sit on his lap, placing both of legs on either side of him. His hands rest on my hips and I blush as I kiss him more hurriedly. My hands run through his hair. I pull back from him for a moment. Brushing a lock of his hair behind his ear. I hear another crack, this time louder. My hand flys down to my holster which was sitting on my hip. "It's just the wind" Carl murmurs as he kissed my jaw. I stand up and look around. Carl does as well, he walks to stand beside me. Placing his hat on top of my head in the process. I move closer to wear the noises have been coming from. "Careful" Carl warns me, "if it is something, you don't wanna hey to close to it." I take out my gun just as a kid, about nine or ten, walks out of the bush. His blonde hair sticking up at odd angles. And his green eyes looking worn. "H-hey there" I stammer as I slowly lower my gun. He has a gun pointed at me and then he moves it to Carl. "It's ok, we can help you" I continue. He lowers his gun slightly and squints his eyes at me and Carl. I turn my head to say something to Carl. In that moment, the kid raises his gun again and shoots at my hand that holds my gun. A bullet goes straight through it and I scream in pain as I drop my gun onto the grass. Carl's eyes widen and before he can raise his own gun, the kid shoots me right in my abdomen. My eyes grow huge as I scream so loud and I'm sure walkers could here me for miles. I fall to the ground, blood seeping through my shirt. The kid goes to pick up my gun. Before he can though, Carl screams, "you son of a-" before he can even finish his sentence Carl shoots the kid in the head. The kid falls over immediately, dropping both mine and his guns. Carl drops to his knees beside me. Tears streaming down his face. My eyes flutter as I watch him stare at me in shock. I reach my hand up and place it on his cheek briefly. Before I can do anything else, Carl picks me up and starts to run. My eyes flutter one last time before they close and I'm enveloped in darkness.

Carl's POV

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I pant as I run down the path. Clutching (Y/N) in my arms. Dark blood spilled down her stomach and covered my hands. Tears were still running down my face as I came to realization that (Y/N) might actually die. I pushed the thought out of my head as I rounded a corner, almost losing my balance. I see the gate up ahead. "Help!" I scream loudly as I sprint for the gate. "Help! (Y/N)'s been shot!! I kick open the gate and bound down the middle of the pasture. Her arms swinging loosely as I run. Dad, Daryl and Michonne run out of the house. I kick open the other gate and rush towards them. "What happened?!" Michonne yells as she runs after me towards the house. "She got shot! In the abdomen!" We all run up the stairs and into the house. The others look up as I push everything off of the counter and I set (Y/N) down carefully. "Maggie! Carol!" Daryl shouts. "Get the first aid kit! Now!" Maggie jumps up and runs down the hall to retrieve it. Carol rips off her shirt, revealing a black sports bra and a bloody gun shot wound. "It's deep" she says angrily. I look at her as I squeeze (Y/N)'s hand. "It's gonna be ok" I whisper.

Maggie ran into the kitchen clutching the first aid kit. Dad brought over a bowel of water and Carol got to work. Three hours later, Carol and the others had done everything they could. Carol had managed to fish out most of the bullet fragments and stop the bleeding. For now. However (Y/N) had lost a lot of blood and she was breathing unevenly. Carol also managed to give her 3 stitches and she rubbed some anti bacterial cream on it before wrapping it thickly in gauze and bandages. Right now Maggie was finishing up wrapping her hand up. A visible sheen of sweat had collected in (Y/N)'s forehead and I kissed her head lightly. "She'll be fine" Maggie said in a shaky voice. I didn't even looked up, I just squeezed her cold, clammy, hand tightly. "We should move her to the bed" dad said from behind me. I nodded my head slowly as I watched dad and Glenn carefully pick her up. They carried her down the hall to the bedroom and I followed behind them. After the set her down, they walked out and closed the door.

I pulled up a chair and sat down next to her. Her face looked peaceful. Tears welled in my eyes and I rested my head on the edge of the bed. "Please" I whisper in a cracked voice. "I-I can't do this without you. I know I've said a million times that I could go on...with out you. But I can't ok. I can't do this. You're my everything, you're the reason why I will myself to wake up each day. My reason to smile, to laugh. The first day I saw you...I knew that I needed you in my life." Tears rolled down my face and splattered onto the bedspread. I grab her hand as I raise my head. Her hair was matted to her forehead and her pink lips were chapped. "Just one more day, that's all I'm asking for. One more day to laugh with you. To kiss you, to look into you're precious eyes. I need one more day to say I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for never talking to you before that day with the horses. I'm so sorry for everything, how I was a jerk some days. And most of all...I'm sorry for loving you."

My eyes fell to the floor as I sniffed. "Maybe if I hadn't of loved you so damn much, this wouldn't hurt the way it does now." Outside the sun is setting and I stare at the bright pinks, oranges and purples. "Please, just don't leave me quite yet." I whisper as I kiss her lips softly. As I do so she slowly opens her gorgeous eyes. She blinks them and a small moan escapes her lips. "Get off" she wheezes. I realize that I'm practically laying on her and I must be hurting her. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I say as I jump off. She manages a smile. "I was so scared you were going to die" I mumbled as a single tear rolls down my face. She slowly wipes it away with her thumb. "Carl Grimes, I'm not going anywhere."
Omg that was kinda lame and I had no idea how to end that... I hope you guys enjoyed this and my other imagines so far. I'm really enjoying writing them!

Song you should try: Blue/Troye Sivan


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