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This is gonna be a bit longer Imagine than some of my other ones.
"Not again" I moaned as I leapt up and ran to the bathroom. I quickly shut the door and made it just in time to the toilet. I threw up all my lunch. A tear rolled down my cheek as I continued to heave but nothing was left. I flushed the toilet and sat down against the tub in defeat. What was wrong with me? At first I thought I'd just caught something but it's been five days. I wiped my mouth and shakily stood up. I opened the door and crept into the hall. I didn't think anyone was home, I hoped at least. They didn't need to hear that.

I pulled my hair into a loose ponytail as I walked downstairs. I noticed Maggie and Rosita talking in the kitchen. "Hey" I said quietly, not wanting to do anything to upset my stomach. "Did you throw up again hon?" Maggie asked as I sat down. I nodded meekly. Maggie sighed. "(Y/N)...how long has this been happening?" she asked me slowly. I glanced up at the two. "I just have a bug" I said, waving them off. Rosita crossed her arms, "no one stays that sick for that long" she said matter of factly. "Well this world is kinda weird now" I said, a tiny blossom of worry developing in my stomach.

"(Y/N), when was the last time you and Carl...you know..." Maggie began, wringing her hands anxiously. I looked up at them again, my face hot. "I-a couple days ago..." I said in a hushed voice, embarrassed. "And before that?" Rosita asked me. I pulled at my ponytail. "I don't know a couple weeks ago" I told them. Maggie rubbed her eyes. "Do you guys um, use protection" Maggie said, her face starting to turn a bit red. I looked down at my hands. "Yes" I murmured. "How many times a month do you guys..." Rosita enquired. "I don't have to answer these questions!" I said, getting up. "(Y/N), we think you're pregnant!" Rosita exclaimed.

My mouth formed a small o and my hands fluttered to my stomach. The two looked concerned at me. Maggie ran over and wrapped her arms around me. I kind of stumbled into her as she held me. "We have a test, please take it just to be sure" Rosita said as she walked around from the counter. A small rectangular box in her hand. I gulped and stared at it worriedly.

After I'd taken the test we all waited impatiently to get the results. My hands shook as I held the stick up. Maggie and Rosita had their arms wrapped around me protectively. That's when it happened. A small pink positive sign appeared. I let out a shaky sob as I dropped the stick on the counter. I turned to Maggie and buried my head in her chest. My shoulders shook and tears fell onto her shirt. "I-I'm to young!" I wailed helplessly. "I know, honey, I know" Maggie whispered. Rosita went and threw the test away before anyone could find it.

"I-I can't tell Carl" I murmured after I'd taken a couple shaky breaths. "Sweetie your gonna have to, he's the father and eventually he'll find out anyways" she said gesturing to my stomach. I lightly squeezed my stomach nervously. I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "When he gets home, you should just do it. Get it over with" Rosita whispered. "What if he doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. Maggie rubbed my back, "that boy thinks the world of you hon. He loves you so much. You should see him sometimes, following you around like a lovesick puppy" she said with a small grin. I laughed quietly, my cheeks still a bit wet.

"He won't be mad, he'll just want what's best for you and he'll love you no matter what." I nodded at what Maggie was saying. The front door opened and Glenn and Carl stepped inside. They looked dirty, tired and sweaty. Carl gave me a happy smile when he saw me. I tried to act like nothing was wrong. I glanced over at Maggie as Carl went into the other room. "Do you want me to come?" She whispered. I shook my head and stood up, my legs feeling like jelly. I wiped my face again and went after Carl. I found him in the kitchen with a glass of water. "Hey baby" he said with another one of his adorable lopsided smiles. I tried to fight back my tears. "Can we go upstairs? I gotta talk to you about something."

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