{Little unsteady}

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Sometimes really awful things happen to really amazing people...

"See you later sweetie" my parents said as they were getting ready to go on a run with Rick, Maggie, Daryl and Sasha. I smile and nod my head. My mom kisses my head, her reddish brown hair falling in my face. I watched as they left the house and walked out of sight. I put my face in hands for a moment. I was the only one in the house other than Carl who was still asleep upstairs.

I slowly walk up the stairs and go into Carl and I's room. He's asleep on his stomach and he's snoring gently. "Carl" I whisper softly. He doesn't move. "Carl" I say again, shaking his shoulders. His blue eyes open drowsily and stare at me for a moment. He groggily sits up and yawns. I kiss his mouth but he pulls away. I look at him questioningly. "What's wrong?" I ask slowly. Carl stares at the floor for a few moments. "I've been thinking...there's no easy way to say this...I think we should break up." Carl finally says, sounding breathless. I choke on my own air and I can feel the tears coming.

"B-break up?" I wheeze out. "God, I-I don't know, I just feel like maybe we've been taking this to fast and maybe we should've taken it slower. Maybe we should just take a break and if it's meant to be then I guess we'll get back together. I don't know (Y/N)." My expression hardens, "so you just want to break up because you don't know?!" I say angrily, standing up. "(Y/N)" Carl says, standing up as well. I glare at him and cross my arms, "is it me? Did I do something wrong?" I ask blindly. Carl glances at my mad and pleading eyes. "I don't know, ok. I don't know. I'm sixteen and I don't know what I want." Carl says dumbly. He walks over to the door and opens it up. "Well maybe you should figure out your problems before you talk to me again." I murmur as he walks out of the room.

I walk over to the window and take deep breaths. "I'm a strong, confident girl. I don't need Carl Grimes" I say to myself before I collapse onto my bed in a puddle of tears.


Dinner had been a small affair. My parents and the others still weren't back from the run, so Carol had cooked Carl and I dinner. Carl and I didn't speak.

I noticed Carl going outside onto the porch and I decided to follow. It was a bit chilly so I grabbed a jacket. "Well?" I say as I walk up behind him. Carl jumped a bit and turned around. "I think I just want some time on my own" he said in almost a whisper. I narrow my eyes. "What the hell brought this all on?!" I ask. "I don't know!" Carl said, grabbing madly at his hair. "You just left me this morning to figure out what went wrong and you can't even give me a straight answer?!" I say, tears building in my eyes. "I love you Carl, so it isn't fair that I have to sit around and wait to know if you still love me as well or-" I trail off as I notice the gates opening.

"Their back" I murmur. Carl and I run off towards the gates, however we slow down when we notice that something's wrong. A small crowd had formed around the entrance and I stood on my tip toes to see over them. "What's going on?" I ask over their talking. Two torches were burning brightly on either side of the gates. "(Y/N)?!" I hear Rick yell loudly. A small hall had appeared for me to walk down through the crowd. I gulped and tried to swallow the uneasy feeling I had. I felt Carl walk behind me and I felt a bit better knowing he was there.

I stop at the edge of the crowd and Rick looked at me sadly. "(Y/N), y-you're parents,walkers got them. There was nothing we could do. They surrounded your mom and your dad went to try and save her and got bit himself." He said, walking towards me. I felt like all the air had been sucked out of me. I noticed two limp bodies wrapped in sheets were sitting near the entrance. I tried to run for them but didn't get far when I felt Carl's arms around me holding me back. "Nooo!" I screamed through tears. I fell to the ground and sobbed hysterically. Carl wrapped his arms around me and I didn't make him stop. I didn't know what to do. How could I feel so numb? My lungs felt like they were on fire.

Rick and the others who were on the run came over. They all hugged me and apologized. I stiffly nodded, hoping they wouldn't let go cause if they did I'd most likely fall over again. Maggie stroked my hair and kissed my cheek, "I'm so sorry honey" she whispered, I felt her tears on my shoulder as she tried to comfort me. When she pulled away she set a small gold necklace in my hand. It was my moms and it had a picture of my grandparents in it. I curled my fingers around it tightly. "T-thank you" I sobbed.

I can't remember what happened after that. Maybe I passed out? All I know is that Carl had carried me up the stairs and was now setting me on our bed. Someone had also put the necklace on me and the pendant felt cold against my chest. Carl piled the blankets over my shaking body and I limply lied there. "I'm gonna go now" he said quietly, smoothing my hair away from my eyes. I shook my head, my eyes still closed. I opened them up and he was staring at me. I grabbed his wrist, "not tonight. Tonight you need to stay" I hiccuped quietly. Carl nodded like he knew that and climbed in beside me. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes, trying to forget everything.

"(Y/N)?" Carl whispered after a few minutes. "Hmm" I said in reply. "I don't want to ever leave you. And it's not just because of what happened tonight. It's because I love you and couldn't imagine my life without you." He said almost desperately. I didn't say anything. "(Y/N)? Please say something" he mumbled. "I know Carl" I whispered, my eyes still closed. Even though I couldn't see Carl I knew that he was smiling. "Love you" I sighed.
That one was kinda lame and shortish but whatever. Hope you guys liked it and remember that if you have any requests feel free to tell me. I just realized that I've like never done an imagine that's based at the prison, maybe my next imagine will be. Have a great Wednesday!

Song you should try: Long Live/Taylor Swift


Carl Grimes {Imagines}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن