{What's a friend}

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Carl and I were best friends. We'd been inseparable for forever. He was always there for me, to comfort me, lay beside me when the nightmares were bad. Hold my hand when I needed it, make me laugh. I was the same to him.

It was late out and I had finished dinner and washing the dishes. I was putting the last plate away when Carl came running into the house. His face slightly pink and his breathing heavy. "Hey" I said with a sideways smile, "where's the fire?" I asked jokingly. "Haha" Carl said sarcastically as he grabbed a glass of water. I was silent for a moment. "But seriously, why were you running?" Carl gulped down his water before answering. "Wanted to see my favourite girl" he said with a small grin. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch.

Carl sat down on the floor and laid back, his hat falling backwards. I scooped it up and placed it on my head. Carl tried to grab it back but I pushed him away. He smiled slyly and started to tickle me, causing me to lose control and start laughing. As we were 'fighting' Daryl walked into the room. Carl stopped tickling me and I sat up trying to catch my breath. "I don't even wanna know what y'all were doing" he says, raising his hands.

Carl and I glance at each other and burst out laughing while Daryl grabbed something to eat. Everyone always joked about us getting together and stuff like that but I don't think they actually mean it. Do they?

Daryl walked over to the table and sat down. "Carl, your dad wants you to go have a shift at the watch tower in about fifteen." Carl groaned and flopped back down on the floor. I threw his hat on his chest and got up. "Wanna come (Y/N)?" I glanced back and shrugged my shoulders as I sat down at the table. "Sure" I reply, opening up my diary, which was sitting in the middle of the table. Carl continued to lay on the floor and Daryl silently ate his dinner.

I started to absentmindedly write and Daryl looked over at me. "Writing about everything you and Carl do when no ones home?" he said with a smirk. My eyes widened slightly and I lightly punched him in the arm, "Daryl!"

We continued to talk for a bit and finally it was time for Carl's shift. I grabbed a coat and followed him outside. We walked down the street and Carl hummed a song quietly. I had no idea what it was and I don't think he even knew.

We climbed up the tall stairs to top of the tower. The sky was clear, and alive with bright stars that dappled the sky. I breathed in a deep breath of crisp air and sighed. "It's nice not having people or walkers or both trying to kill you" I said as I sat down and stared at the sky. Carl shifted the gun on his shoulder and half nodded his head. "I don't really know what kept any of us going, it would've been easier to just say I'm done and pull the trigger." Carl glanced down at me. "We all had things worth living for, ideas that that kept our mind opens, people that made it a bit bearable." I raised one of my eyebrows slightly, "and what kept you going mr. positive?"

Carl took a minute to respond, he looked out at the land past the walls. "I was just kind of hoping that, you'd, I don't know...fall in love with me. I hoped that every day and that (Y/N) is what kept me going."

My mouth dropped open in shock, "Carl," I began. "I know, I know, we're best friends and it would be awkward and you don't feel the same and..." "Carl, stop" I said slowly. Carl stopped and looked up at me with his blue eyes. "I've been feeling differently lately as well.... Every slight touch that normally would mean nothing, sends chills down my spine. I didn't think that I'd ever LIKE LIKE Carl Grimes but here I am six years later..." I finally murmured, not even looking at him, my cheeks turning pink.

Carl sat down next to me and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, he used to do it all the time when we were younger. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my cheek. "(Y/N)" "what? What's the problem now Carl?" I said, a slight edge in my voice. "The problem is" he started, his thumb drawing light circles around my palm. "Is that if I were to kiss you...I honestly don't think I could stop." I smirked at his cheesiness, "and what if a hoard of walkers came crashing through the walls? Would you still not stop?"

Carl narrowed his eyes, "shut up" he growled. I smiled and leaned up towards his face. Our lips brushed against each other and the gesture sent my heart pounding. Our lips fully attached and moved together at such complexity it made my head spin. However I couldn't be happier. So that's how we stayed, kissing under the luminous stars, the two best friends who everyone joked about getting together...
So that one was a bit better than my last one lol. I've got a few cool ideas I wanna play around with for some new imagines so I'm happy about that. How are you guys? Hope you're having a good week. I only have sixteen days till I leave for Australia!! Sad thing is I'll miss the last three eps of TWD:( thanks for keeping active.

Song you should try:Empty Gold/Halsey


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