{Hello is the worst word pt 2}

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I stared at Carl, taking a beat, before taking a deep breath. "I stabbed Rosita" I whispered, my words almost unheard. Carl's stare held, his quietness was scaring me. "I-I didn't mean to" I begin to stammer, when he doesn't say anything I continue on. "I was getting surrounded by walkers and I couldn't see and it all happened so fast! She had grabbed my arm and I spun around a stabbed her!" I sob into my hands. "It's ok" Carl whispers into my ear before pulling my limp body into his grasp. I continue to cry as he nuzzles his face into my shoulder.

I finally stop crying. My eyes felt puffy and my cheeks were stained with my salty tears. Carl slightly lets me go and strokes my hair as I sniffed. "Why aren't you mad?" I mumble to him. "I honestly don't know" he answers truthfully. "I guess I'm just relived that you're ok." "But it's not ok!" I say as I attempt to get up from his grasp. Rain began to lightly fall from the sky and I grabbed my backpack. "I'm not mad! The others won't be either once they've heard your side. Just come back, please" Carl begs. His hair dripped with water and his big eyes looked sad. "I'm so sorry" I yell as my voice cracks. The rain begins to come down harder. "(Y/N)" Carl says, but before he can say anything else I walk into the rain, hoping to never be seen again."

2 hours later~
The rain had let up and the sky was clear again. I shivered in my wet clothes as I stomped through the forest, unaware of where to go. "What I'd give to be back at Alexandria. In my warm clothes, cuddled under a thick blanket with Carl. Him lightly kissing my neck as we whispered to each other. I pushed the thought into the back of my brain. As I continued to walk, I heard a twig snap. I jumped, and grabbed my gun. I held it in front of me, as I cautiously walked forwards. "Carl?" I whisper. A rustling catches my attention and I point my gun in that direction. "Awe sweetie, didn't mama ever tell you not to point guns at strangers?"

3 men and a girl walk out of the dense brush. They looked seemingly dry. The guy who had said that, held to guns at me. His 3 cronies gripped knives in their bruised hands. Guns gleaming threateningly at their hips. The guy looked about mid 20's and he had curly blonde hair. He had on a beat up leather jacket and oil stained jeans. The other two guys wore warm looking jeans jackets over flannel shirts. Their brown hair sticking up at odd ends. And last but not least the girl had curly fiery red hair. She had on a beige plaid poncho over an old jean jacket. Her black jeans were frayed at the cuffs. They looked like they meant business and oh man did they ever.

"Put the gun down" the girl sneered at me. I glanced at them as I set my gun carefully on the wet ground. One of the brunettes picked it up and handed it to the blonde guy. He squinted at me and tilted his head slightly. "I could kill you right now, you know that girl?" I didn't say or do anything. "Names Wyatt. That there's, Casey, Monty and Victoria." I nod, my hair dripping droplets of water onto my shoulders. Before anyone could say anything else, Wyatt had my arms pinned behind my back and my body shoved against a tree. A tear rolled down my cheek as he twisted my arm painfully. "Now that we're well aquatinted, we can get down to it" he whispers gruffly into my ear. His hot breath tickling the back of my neck. I don't know what to do except stand there. Victoria walks over us. She leans over and smiles viciously at me, her teeth shining in the early morning moon.

"We want something that you have" she murmured slowly. "We want that place you call Alexandria." I glare at her before answering. "Good luck with that, its overrun with walkers. There's nothing left!" I spit out. "And you guys better not get to cocky, because my group well come. And you'll quickly realize that you're screwing with the wrong people." I say it a bit to confidently. Immensely regretting what I had just said. "Oh, is that right, darlin" Wyatt said quickly. "In that case we better hurry this up." With that he spun me around and pinned me against the tree. Victoria, Monty and Casey onlooking from behind Wyatt. Wyatt roughly placed his lips on mine.

I tried to push him off but he just kept kissing me. I kneed him and he slapped me-hard, across the face. My eyes well with tears as he moves his lips down to my jawline. Oh god please let the group be coming, I silently pray.
Abruptly, Wyatt pulls away from me. "Take it off" he orders me. He's pointing to my shirt. "N-no way!" I yell. He glares at me and retrieves his gun. He holds it up and without even flinching, he shoots my leg. I scream and hold my leg in pain. "Take it off, or this time it's you're head that receives a bullet."

Through clenched teeth, I slowly peel my shirt off of my freezing body. I let it fall to the ground. My sports bra is revealed and I cross my arms over my chest. "Now the bra" he whispers, holding the gun menacingly towards my head. More tears fall down my face. I rip my bra off over my head and let it drop on top of my shirt. All of my integrity was lost in the span of five minutes. "Good girl" Wyatt mumbles as he walks towards me. I pull my arms tighter across my chest as he approaches me. I try to move but my leg limits my places to go. Wyatt looms over me, his blonde hair falling into his grey eyes. "Isn't that better?" he asks me as he pushes his lips onto my neck. As he does so I hear a snap and rustle from somewhere in the bush. Wyatt and the others think nothing of it as Wyatt continues to grope me. I close my eyes, waiting for this to be over.

"Let go of the girl, now!" my eyes snap open as I hear the familiar gruff voice. I turn my head slightly, to see the group standing in the clearing. Guns and knives in hand ready for a fight. They're faces were still stained red from earlier and they had dirt and God knows what else on their face and in their hair. "I said let her go" Rick demands as he takes a step closer to me and Wyatt. Wyatt takes a step away from me and pulls out his gun. Then everything happened so quick. Gun shots were fired away. Screaming and yelling were thrown in the mix. Rick shot Wyatt in the stomach and ran over to where the other three were.

Carl ran over to me and pulled me into a hurried hug. He pulled off his warm jacket and slipped it over my shoulders. "Oh my god, are you ok?!" He asks me as he quickly kisses my lips. Before I could answer, Carol calls my name. I turn my head and she throws me a gun. I see why she did. Wyatt had pulled his self over to me and Carl and his knife gleamed in his hand. Right before he could plunge it into my heart I kick his face. He drops the gun, blood gushing from his nose. "Go to hell" I whisper before I pull the trigger and launch a single bullet into his head.

"We have to go now!" Glenn shouted to the others. They had successfully killed the four but had caused lots of noise in the process. In the distance I could make out walkers in the distance. I attempt to stand up as I stuff my gun in the waistband of my jeans. Carl scoops me into his arms before running after the others. I wrap my hands around his neck and bury my head into the crook of his neck. His body slowly starts to heat mine up as he runs past tree after tree. "Get back to the main road!" Daryl screams. We all turn left and run in the direction of the road. "Are you doing ok?" I ask Carl. His breathing is heavy and he doesn't answer me.

When we get back to the main road we stop for a moment. Carl doesn't let me down. "Thank you" I whisper into his neck. "You're welcome" he wheezes as he try's to catch his breath. "Lets try and find the vehicles" Rick tells everyone. We all start to run up the road and in about ten minutes we stumble across our vehicles. Three motorcycles and a car, all here. "Thank god!" Sasha pants as she opens up one of the car doors. Carl places me on the back of a motorcycle and sits in front of me. "You guys ok to go?" Rick asks everyone from the front seat of the car. Carol climbs onto Daryls motorcycle behind him and we all rev our engines in response. With that, we all take off down the road.

I squeeze Carl's waist as we drive. I look behind me and I see Maggie and Glenn on the third motorcycle and Rick and the others in the car. I wonder if they know about Rosita. Did Carl tell them. I was about to ask him, but I didn't wanna wreck a perfect moment. There weren't many anymore. Instead I push the worry aside and take a deep breath. Right now I was just gonna enjoy the present. Not worry about the past or future. And I did that by hugging Carl and just letting my mind go blank for once in my life.
Ok I don't know how that was...I kinda went in a weird direction lol. It was also kinda short, I need to make them longer. Well I hope you enjoyed it anyways and if you have any ideas for a new imagine just tell me:)

Song you should try: I Walk the Line/Halsey


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