Chapter 12: What Happened?

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I felt dizzy, once again. That horrible sensation. The kind, that I wish would never show itself. My eyes shut tight, as the world warped into darkness.

What now?

When the headache subsided, I ran a finger against my still closed eyes. Slowly, I opened them. I was met with...a new environment. I was no longer in the car that had been introduced to me, previously. I was back in...

The guest chambers?

I glanced around the space, trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. Last I remember, the man who goes by Laurance, was...well... He was performing amorous action with I, is perhaps the best way I could word that. We were on our way to retrieve bread from the marketplace, and now...I'm back here? What on Earth?

I looked down at my hand, and I had pieces of chocolates, resting on my palm. Aren't these the ones that Lady Aphmau had given to I? I thought I had eaten these before? Huh...

"Hey, Princess, you coming?" A voice chimed from beside me.

Shifting my head, there was Laurance. He leaned against the doorway, toying with something he held in his hand. I cocked my head, trying to make sense of the situation before I.

"Uh...go where?" I narrowed my eyes, looking between him and the sweets I held.

"Are you seriously that dense, that you have already forgotten? My fucking Irene, you are literally the worst person to work with," Laurance rolled his baby blue eyes. "Uh, dumbass, remember..? We're going to the store."

I blankly stared at the brown-haired man. "But I thought-..," I blinked a few times, staring off into space. "Uh...yes. I have forgotten, again. May you please remind me, good sir?"

He dramatically sighed, dragging his hands down his face. "I hate you so damn much, Gareth... Aph left, and you came downstairs. For once, you did a normal humane action. Dante, like the dick he is, sent us to go pick up some bread from the supermarket. You came up here to grab something, and you've been up here for like, ten minutes. What, did you get lost on a quest searching for treasure, guarded by the golden beast of the West, and forget you were in the real world?"

I once again narrowed my eyes at Laurance, who awkwardly placed his hand upon his hip. Was what happened...made up in my mind? Like...a dreamscape? It seemed rather realistic, however. But at the same time, would that ever be truly plausible? The damned Laurance, showing romantic affections for I? I...

Do I truly have some sort of affections for this man?

Why?! If that truly were a scene my mind created, why else would I imagine feelings of romance for this...stranger. A man, who has been nothing but a vex... Yet, I'm having these amorous fantasies with...


I don't even understand myself, anymore. I am but a horrible person. I wish I could just have all my memories return to me, so I could truly grasp why I feel this way. It'll be much easier.

"Can we just go already?" Laurance groaned, tightly gripping my wrist. He dragged me out of the guest chambers, pulling me down the hall.

"Woah, Laurance," the white-haired man made a reappearance... I forgot thy name 'gain. "Careful with your boyfriend. You're gonna snap his arm off, if you keep pulling him that hard."

The man chuckled, as Laurance dramatically rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't really care. And, also, boyfriend? This freak? Ha. Maybe...never."

"Really, now? What about all the flirting and crap with him? If I were a love doctor, which I have a degree in, I'd say there's some romantic tension between you and him. Heh," The man looked in between us.

This Isn't My Universe [Garrance AU] {Book 1/3}Where stories live. Discover now