Chapter 29: Loyalty

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Shiva runs towards BhalalDev riding his horse. He shoots an arrow at him, but BhalalDev moves away from the arrow. BhalalDev looks back to see Shiva coming after him. He presses his foot against Devasena's face. Shiva cries loudly by looking at his mother in pain. 

As soon as BhalalDev crosses the bridge, Bhijaladev commands his men to close the bridge. Shiva tries to jump on the bridge but he falls back as one of arrows hits his armor. He falls on the ground with an arrow stuck in his armor. He clentches his teeth and removes it with great strength.

They shoot thousands of arrows on the battlefield, killing many people, including their own soldiers. Kattapa comes running towards Shiva and holds his sheild up, protecting him from the blades of the arrows. Shiva stills screams and tries to confront them. But Kattapa holds him tight. He releases him when they stopped shooting arrows.

Kattapa shouts at him,"Stop it!"Shiva cries,"My mother is in there with him! How can I stay quiet? I don't care if I die, let me go!!"Kattapa shouts at him,"Your mother didn't wait for twenty five years just to see you dead! But to see BhalalDev's...

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Kattapa shouts at him,"Stop it!"
Shiva cries,"My mother is in there with him! How can I stay quiet? I don't care if I die, let me go!!"
Kattapa shouts at him,"Your mother didn't wait for twenty five years just to see you dead! But to see BhalalDev's death!"

Shiva stays silent and starts walking back and forth. He goes restless, he runs his fingers through his hair.
Kattapa continues,"You are the son of the one who brought light to darkness. You are the son of Amrendra Bahubali! Think like your father. Think like Bahubali!"

Shiva walks back and starts stressing out. He starts thinking about how to get inside the palace. He looks up and sees many coconut trees around. He commands his men to do as he says.

 He commands his men to do as he says

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They pull down the trees using ropes. Shiva and Kattapa with few others climb the tree's trunk. They then released the rope. The tree stands back in it's position as they all jump inside the palace. They land on the terrace with their shields and swords. The men on the top start coming at them, but Shiva fights back bravely. Soon, the other people get inside the palace in similar way.

Kattapa while swinging his sword, shouts,"Where are the men who open the bridge? Get to them, now!"Bhijaladev who was hiding behind a pillar speaks,"What are you doing Kattapa?"He walks out and speaks,"Kattapa, your forefathers pledged their loyal...

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Kattapa while swinging his sword, shouts,"Where are the men who open the bridge? Get to them, now!"
Bhijaladev who was hiding behind a pillar speaks,"What are you doing Kattapa?"
He walks out and speaks,"Kattapa, your forefathers pledged their loyalty to this Kingdom. They served for this Kingdom for years. Is that how you honour them? Is that how you prove your loyalty to us?"
Kattapa turns around and watches Shiva fight the Mahismati soldiers.
Bhijaladev rests his hand on Kattapa's shoulders and says,"Kill him just like you killed his father. Go!"
Kattapa turns around slowly to face Bhijaladev.

He slaps him so hard that Bhijaladev falls on the ground. He says,"Twenty five years ago, Queen mother Shivgami Devi proclaimed Mahendra Bahubali as the rightful King of Mahismati. I thought he was dead and hence served the wrong people. Now since the truth has been revealed, I know what I'm supposed to do."

Kattapa bends down and says,"Kattapa never breaks his loyalty." Saying that, he leaves and joins Shiva.
Shiva says,"Kattapa, half of our people are still on the battlefield with their horses. We need to find a way to get them inside."
Kattapa says,"But how can they pass the river stream? The bridge is closed."
Shiva looks at him and says,"Get me a huge hammer."


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