Chapter 22: Death Sentence

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Shivgami rushes inside BhalalDev's room, when she got the news. Bhijaladev cries,"Men were sent to kill my son! To kill the King of Mahismati!"
Shivgami was shocked as she searches for answers.
Bhijaladev continues,"Bahubali sent his loyal man Kumar Verma to kill Bhalal while he was sleeping. He told him about the secret ways about the palace so that he could get here at night and kill my son. Look around....Kumar Verma killed our men too.
Look at the scar on Bhalal's face..."

Shivgami couldn't believe what she just heard

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Shivgami couldn't believe what she just heard. She couldn't believe Bahubali sent a man to kill her son Bhalal. She couldn't stand it. She couldn't believe the news she just got. She falls back at her seat. Her heart was broken into a million pieces. She lays her head against the table near her. She was speechless. Looking at the scar on Bhalal's face, she couldn't help but cry.

Bhijaladev speaks,"Bhalal is not only our son, Shivgami. He is the King of Mahismati. And killing a King is a huge crime! He should be punished for this crime. He should be given a death sentence!"

Shivgami stands up weakly and says,"If we give death sentence to Bahubali, the whole crowd will go against us. They will destroy the Kingdom. Everything will go wrong after that."

Bhijaladev shouts,"So the guilty should roam free?!! What kind of justice is this Shivgami!"
Shivgami screams,"BAHUBALI HAS TO DIE!" Bhijaladev backs off looking at the burning rage in Shivgami's eyes.
She continues,
"But not in the hands of the King. Years from now, I don't want my son to be known as the King who killed his own brother. We should stay out of this, and ask someone else to do it for us."
Bhijaladev comes forward,"But who?"


Kattapa assembled infront of his King BhalalDev. BhalalDev says,"You and your ancestors pledged their loyalty to this kingdom. As a slave, you are supposed to do what your asked to, without any hesitation. I hope you remember your duties."
Kattapa bows down and says,"Yes, my Lord. Command your orders."

BhalalDev speaks,"You have to end Bahubali's life

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BhalalDev speaks,"You have to end Bahubali's life."
Kattapa was shocked and lifts his head to face BhalalDev. He steps back and cries,"Wh..what are you saying, my Lord! Kill Bahubali? Queen M..Mother, what is he saying.."
He turns to face Shivgami who was sitting silent. He was shocked by her behaviour. He sadly whispers,"Mother!"

He walks close to her and says,"Is this happening on your consent? Please, I beg you

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He walks close to her and says,"Is this happening on your consent? Please, I beg you... ask the King to take back his words... I fall on my knees, Please don't let this happen!" Kattapa gets on his knees, begging Shivgami. She speaks over him,"Bahubali has to die."

Kattapa cries,"Bahubali can never do anything wrong. He grew up with you, learnt your principles. The sun may rise from the east, but this can't happen."

He takes out his sword and offers Shivgami to take it,"Take this and behead me. And then I'll be free from my duties. Because I can't do this. I will never hurt Baahu," He cries harder.
Shivgami says in a low voice,"Either you kill him, or I'll do it myself."

Kattapa was shocked. He wipes away his tears and says,"You cannot commit this sin, Queen mother. I'll do it... I'll do it."

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