Chapter 28: The war begins

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BhalalDev gets ready for war. He wears his armor and instructs his soldiers.  He looks at the battlefield ahead from the open space on the first floor.
Bhijaladev asks,"Why is Kattapa all of a sudden coming after us for war? After being loyal for so many years!"

 Bhijaladev asks,"Why is Kattapa all of a sudden coming after us for war? After being loyal for so many years!"

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He sees Devasena emerging from far away. He walks towards his telescope. The telescope was huge, used for spying enemies from far away. He adjusts his lenses and starts looking for Devasena. He smiles cruelly as soon he sees Devasena coming towards the Kingdom. He immediately frowns as he saw Devasena holding his dead son's head. He was shocked to see it. He looks closely and backs off as soon as sees Shiva. Shiva looked so much like his father that it frightened BhalalDev. It was as if Amrendra Bahubali himself was coming for him.

Bhijaladev watches BhalalDev's reaction and comes forward to see what shocked his son

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Bhijaladev watches BhalalDev's reaction and comes forward to see what shocked his son. He starts breathing abnormally when he sees Shiva. Their deeds started haunting them. Soon the whole crowd of villagers emerge from behind.

Devasena throws his son's head in the air as Shiva shoots an arrow on the head. The arrow struck at the wall beside BhalalDev. His son's head falls on the ground near him. BhalalDev takes Bhadra's head from the ground and whispers,"I will behead each one of them and that's how I'll honour you on your funeral, my son. I will take revenge. I will have each one of their heads on spike."

BhalalDev comes forward and commands all the soldiers,"War against Kattapa!"The gates of the palace open as soldiers rush out riding their horses

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BhalalDev comes forward and commands all the soldiers,"War against Kattapa!"
The gates of the palace open as soldiers rush out riding their horses. Shiva and his people shout back and come running against them. They throw wooden trunks and stones at their horses which made many of them fall on the ground. Shiva takes out Bahubali's sword and starts fighting.

He fighted like a warrior, just like his father. He swung his swords killing the men around him while the poeple used their knives to fight the soldiers.

 He swung his swords killing the men around him while the poeple used their knives to fight the soldiers

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Soon there was a loud cry of a trumpet. Devasena looks ahead to see BhalalDev entering the battlefield sitting in his chariot. The chariot was run by two wild bulls. Infront of them there was a spinning wheel attached to large sharp blades, which slashed and killed the men ahead. He threw spears at the men around him, killing the people. As he gets closer to Devasena, he jumps out of the chariot with his spear and a rope.

He walks towards her and says,"He was with you for only 9 months.."
He says killing the men around him with his spear. Devasena's brother commands his men to attack him.
He lifts his spear and stabs the men coming at him and hisses,"You lived with me for more than twenty five years...Still you waited for your son to come and fight me?"

When he killed their people around him, Devasena's brother himself came running towards him with his knife. BhalalDev lifts him with his neck, choking him. He takes the knife from him and slices his neck infront of Devasena. He falls lifeless infront of her sister.

BhalalDev takes the rope from the ground, ties Devasena and puts her in his chariot. He then sets off to leave the battlefield and rides towards the palace as the gates start closing behind him.

The loud cries of trumpet catches Shiva's attention. He sees his mother's wrist tied with ropes and BhalalDev was taking her back to imprison her.

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