Chapter 18: The Trial

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Devasena looks up at Sethupati who was standing at the top of the stairs. He smirks at her and says,"It's time for the King's arrival. Whoever it may be, stand in the queue."

Devasena slowly steps back, upset that he asked a pregnant woman to stand in a queue when he could have let her in. The villagers told her to get ahead of them but she insisted to stay in the line.

Their line slowly moved ahead. Devasena looked up and was shocked to see that Sethupati was harrassing the women in the queue. She then realised the reason why he made a different queue for women. He inappropriately touched the women who were going ahead. He then looks at Devasena who was getting closer to him.

He lifts his hand to touch her as well, but Devasena quickly snatchess the knife that Bahubali gave him the previous day and chops his fingers. Sethuptai screams out of pain. He looks at his hand with no fingers and cries loudly.  He commands,"Make her a prisoner! Make her a prisoner! Now!"

Devasena was tied with chains and was made stand in the royal court of Mahismati in front of King BhalalDev and Shivgami.

One of the men announces,"There is a blame on Devasena, wife of Amrendra Bahubali that she attacked the cheif commander of army force of Mahismati, Sethupathi

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One of the men announces,"There is a blame on Devasena, wife of Amrendra Bahubali that she attacked the cheif commander of army force of Mahismati, Sethupathi. With the consent of Queen mother Shivgami Devi, I present Devasena and Sethupati for trial in front of King BhalalDev!"

BhalalDev approves. He says,"Devasena, what do want to say about this crime?"
Devasena looks up angrily, holding up her chained hands and says,"Without giving me a chance to speak, you already proclaimed me as a prisoner."
BhalalDev speaks,"Until you are proved innocent, you remain a prisoner. That's the law."

She shouts back,"If your law works on injustice then throw away your law! Such big name of Mahismati, still such a inferior mentality. Shame on Mahismati!"
Shivgami says angrily,"If you speak any more bad things about Mahismati,-"

Devasena cuts her mid sentence and continues,"A Kingdom is not known for it's huge thrones and big names! But it is known for it's kind nature and tender heart. And I'm sure, Mahismati lacks it!"
Kumar Verma enters the court, shocked to see Devasena as a prisoner.

Sethupati speaks,"Did you just see how disrespectfully she spoke to you in this court! Then imagine how she spoke to me!"

The guards open the door, and everyone went silent as they see Bahubali walk into the court angrily. His eyes were burning with rage.

Bahubali stands near Devasena, looks at her and then at her chained hands

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Bahubali stands near Devasena, looks at her and then at her chained hands. Sethupati tenses as he sees how angry Bahubali was.
BhalalDev asks Sethupati,"What actually happened, tell us in detail."

Sethupati answers,"My lord, the entrance was crowded and it was time of your arrival. Devasena was there too, she tried to enter from the main stairs."
Bahubali starts walking around Sethupati making a hissing sound from his sword. Sethupati stammers out of fear and continues," So I told her... to.. enter along w..with the villagers.."

BhalalDev shouts,"What are you doing Baahu? You are threatening the man!"Bahubali finally speaks,"If you gently request a criminal to say the truth, he will never say the truth

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BhalalDev shouts,"What are you doing Baahu? You are threatening the man!"
Bahubali finally speaks,"If you gently request a criminal to say the truth, he will never say the truth."
Shivgami scolds Bahubali,"Don't cross your limits, Bahubali!"
Bahubali stands in front of his mother and speaks angrily,"This Kingdom had already crossed their limits by making a pregnant woman a prisoner!"

BhalalDev gently says,"Be it you, or me, or a pregnant lady. Punishment is same for all. Do you even know what exactly happened?"
Bahubali walks towards Devasena and stands between her and Sethupati.
He faces her and asks,"What actually happened, Devasena?"

Devasena confidently speaks,"There was a huge crowd of people in the entrance. Women were made to stand in a different queue. When he was sending women inside, he was inappropriately touching them. He tried to touch me too...I cut his fingers."

Bahubali after a long pause says,"You made a wrong move, Devasena."
Devasena steps back out of shock.
He continues,"Any man who inappropriately touches women... you should not cut his fingers.... YOU SHOULD CUT HIS NECK!"
Saying that Bahubali turns around, takes out is sword and beheads Sethupati in one swing.

 YOU SHOULD CUT HIS NECK!"Saying that Bahubali turns around, takes out is sword and beheads Sethupati in one swing

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This was my favourite part! I love how bold Bahubali is.
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