Chapter 20: Among his people

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Bahubali looked at his people greeting him while he was leaving the palace. They were all upset for him. One of them gets up and shouts,"Why are you all crying for?! Our God is leaving his temple and coming to live among us! We should be happy about it!!"

Bahubali smiles at them and removes his gold ornaments and went along with the villagers to live with them. He was more than happy to live with people who loved him very much. And the villagers were happy that Bahubali, the one who always cared about them, is now around with them.

He joined the villagers with their daily work and labour. He broke stones with the workers. He saw many of them getting hurt by this primary way of breaking stones. He immediately starts planning to make a machine for breaking tools.

He uses his knowledge and education he learnt in the Kingdom and starts applying it

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He uses his knowledge and education he learnt in the Kingdom and starts applying it. He makes a small model to represent how the actual machine is to be made.
Soon everyone followed his instructions and the huge machine was made to make their lives easier. They all blessed Bahubali for helping them out.

Bahubali felt really sad because he missed his mother very much. But the villagers always made sure, he got all the love he deserves. The elders used to take care of him, and love him just like any parents do. He felt blessed.

He always made sure that the villagers lived efficiently. Now that he was living among them, he got to know every problem they were facing. He made sure that the problem is solved as soon as possible.

Even though Bhalal won the throne, Bahubali was treated as the King. They made their own court in the village where the villagers used to tell their problems to Bahubali. Bahubali used to give solutions to the problems and judgements for the crimes. He started teaching the kids how to fight their opponents.

 He started teaching the kids how to fight their opponents

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BhalalDev watches them from the top of the hill. He watches how Bahubali ruled over Mahismati even though he was the King.
Bhijaladev kept complaining to Shivgami,"Our people don't approach us anymore! They all report their problems to Bahubali. Then what are we for? We need to do something about this Shivgami!"

Devasena was very proud of her husband. She loved how committed he is, to his promise. He could have chosen the throne over Devasena, but he didn't. He could have lived his life with luxury, but he is still happy living in the village.

Bahubali loved Devasena more than anything

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Bahubali loved Devasena more than anything. He always made sure that she was okay.

Soon they had a little celebration for the welcome of their little child. Devasena was more than eight months pregnant now. Bahubali dances with joy along with all the villagers present there. It was late at night, Kumar Verma watches the happy scenario standing among the crowd. Soon someone barged into the crowd aggressively which caught Kumar's attention. He watches the man rush inside the crowd. Kumar Verma was shocked to see that the man was hiding a knife behind his back.


Keep your tissues ready, because things are gonna get real serious after this chapter. :'(

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