Chapter 5: The drama continues

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She was trying to shoot two arrows simultaneously with a single bow.
Minister emerges and says,"Why are you trying to shoot two arrows simultaneously? You know it's not possible to hit the target."
Her brother enters and says,"Minister, Devasena is a skilled shooter, she can do anything."
His wife complains,"Why are you allowing your sister to do stuffs that men do? She is young and beautiful, it's her age to get married and not to play with weapons."
She takes away her arrow and bow.
She continues,"You should marry my brother, Kumar Verma."
Devasena whispers to herself,"He's such a coward. He even hid from the robbers yesterday."
They all see Kumar Verma teach Bahubali and Kattapa about weapons.

"This is a mace weapon. You won't be able to lift it.", says Kumar pointing out to the mace.
Bahubali and Kattapa nods in agreement.
He then shows them a bunch of spears and says,"This is a spear. Don't touch it. You won't be able to use it."
Bahubali nods,"Yes, lord."
Kumar lifts a sword and says,"This... is a sword. Let's begin with this."

They walk towards a huge tree trunk. Kumar teaches Bahubali,"You are supposed to lift it like this... and then hit it with full strength." Kumar hits the trunk, there was a scratch on the trunk. Kattapa dramatically starts praising Kumar. Kumar then asks Bahubali to try. Bahubali pretends as if he never held a sword. He holds it weakly, making Devasena laugh at him. He then drops the sword, still pretending.

Devasena sets off to leave, while Kumar makes Bahubali hold the sword along with him. He raises his arms. Bahubali's eyes were still on Devasena. This time when Kumar hits the trunk, the trunk splits into half. Everyone were shocked. Bahubali quickly withdraws his hands pretending as if he didn't do it.

Kattapa again dramatically start praising Kumar

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Kattapa again dramatically start praising Kumar. Kumar was feeling proud more than ever. For him, it was his greatest achievement, even though it wasn't him who did it.

Devasena couldn't believe what she just saw. She couldn't beleive that Kumar did it.

It was night and Bahubali was laying on his bed, busy with the thoughts of Devasena.
Kattapa complains,"Why all this drama? Just tell her who you are and she'll be yours!"
Bahubali sighs and says,"A sixty year old man won't understand the language of love."
Kattapa frowns,"Tell me what love is, I'll understand."

Bahubali stands up and walks towards his window. He slowly grabs the window grill and smiles.
"Mama, look at this beautiful night. Look at how those two birds are deeply in love with each other."
Kattapa closes his eyes and says,"All I have to do is, boil them. Then add some salt and spices. Yumm... heaven."
Kattapa opens his eyes to see Bahubali looking at Kattapa with disappointment.

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