Chapter 21: Strategy

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Kumar Verma goes after him but because of the crowd, he couldn't go near him. The man himself couldn't get near Bahubali or Devasena. The crowd was busy dancing and celebrating. The man leaves the place immediately as he could not do what he came for.

Kumar Verma slowly follows him. The man goes near the huge idol of Maa Khali goddess. Kumar Verma peeps from far away. He watches that man walk towards BhalalDev and Bhijaladev. Bhijaladev asks BhalalDev,"What are you doing here so late? And why is.. this man-"
BhalalDev ignores his father and asks the man,"Did you kill him?"
Bhijaladev steps back,"Kill? Kill who Bhalal!"

The man faces down and says,"No, my lord. I didn't get a chance. He was surrounded by the crowd."
BhalalDev angrily says"If by tomorrow I don't get his head, I'll behead you!"
The murderer nods and leaves the place.

Bhijaladev keeps asking,"Who? Who are you talking about?"
BhalalDev speaks,"Who else? Bahubali."
Bhijaladev holds Bhalal's arms and shouts,"Are you in your senses? I didn't know you were cruel upto this extent! You will kill you own brother?"
BhalalDev holds his father by his neck and hisses,"Not only Bahubali. I will kill Devasena and his unborn child too." Saying that BhalalDev pushes his father, which made Bhijaladev fall on the ground. BhalalDev leaves the place leaving his father on the ground.

As soon as BhalalDev leaves the place, Kumar Verma runs towards Bhijaladev and helps him to get up

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As soon as BhalalDev leaves the place, Kumar Verma runs towards Bhijaladev and helps him to get up. Bhijaladev tries to hide his shock. Kumar Verma looks at him and says,"Yes, I heard everything."

Bhijaladev speaks,"I don't know what to do. My son, he is stubborn. I know him very well. If he has decided to kill Bahubali, he will kill him anyhow."
Kumar suggests,"We should immediately tell Bahubali about this."
Bhijaladev looks at him and says,"And you think Bahubali will believe you?... That his own brother sent a man to kill him? No, he won't. Bahubali is stupid when it comes to strategies. Only you can save Bahubali now."

Kumar Verma was confused,"Me? ... how?"
Bhijaladev replies,"You will have to... kill Bhalal. You will have to kill my son, Kumar."
Kumar Verma couldn't believe Bhijaladev's words. He looks at him shocked, with eyes wide open.

@Bhijaladev continues,"Please don't deny. You have to do this for Bahubali.... his wife Devasena, and their unborn child."
Kumar Verma takes a deep breathe and  answers in a low voice,"Fine.. I'll.. I'll do it."


Kumar Verma enters from a secret door along with his men and Bhijaladev. They all enter BhalalDev's room. They see him sleeping in his bed, wholly covered with his blanket. Kumar tightens his grip around his knife as he walks towards the bed. He then quickly pulls the blanket, and was shocked to find just pillows under it.

Blood falls on his neck. He turns around to see his men getting killed by the Mahismati soldiers. He then looks at his right, BhalalDev was sitting on his seat, eagerly waiting for him.

Kumar Verma was trapped from all the ways

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Kumar Verma was trapped from all the ways. The Mahismati soldiers surrounded him with their swords facing towards him. He watches Bhalal smirking at him. Kumar Verma remembers Bahubali's words "Kumar Verma, time gives every coward a chance to prove himself brave and tackle his fears. This is the time."

Kumar takes out his knife and starts fighting with the soldiers

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Kumar takes out his knife and starts fighting with the soldiers. He alone fights bravely with all of them. One of them stabbs a sword through his stomach. He cries out pain but does not stop fighting. Soon there were no soldiers left. He pulls out the sword and walks weakly towards BhalalDev. He looks up, Bhijaladev was standing infront of BhalalDev. Bhijaladev slowly walks towards Kumar and stabs him hard.

Kumar Verma weakly falls down on the floor. He looks up and sees Bhijaladev and BhalalDev walk towards him. Bhijaladev says,"Stupid, you think I'd ask you to kill my son? MY SON?"

BhalalDev takes the knife from Kumar Verma and cuts his own face a little as a part of their plan.

Bhijaladev continues,"This was our strategy. A strategy to convince Shivgami to kill her own son"
Kumar Verma couldn't believe that he got played by these people. He felt really sad that they used him as a tool to kill Bahubali. He closes his eyes sadly as he sees Bhijaladev lifting a sword to kill him.

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