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*5:45 pm*

I fell asleep while watching Teen Wolf.

I woke up a few minutes ago.

I made a bowl of cereal because I was to lazy to make anything else.

Now, I'm going to start taking my content for my "Thru My Eyes" video that I filmed a few nights ago and start editing it together.

Shuffling through my playlist I find the perfect song to match the mood I want to provoke with the video.

Glad You Came by The Wanted. I like it but I think a remix would be even better.

I type in YouTube, "glad you came the wanted remix".

Clicking on the video entitled "The Wanted - Glad You Came (Clark Kent Dubstep Remix)" and listening to the first 2 minutes I knew this was the song.

I download it to my iTunes and I play the sing while editing the video.

Then I hear what sounds like a knock on the door.

I take out an ear bud to listen closer but I hear nothing.

Again I put in my ear buds and continue editing.

This time I hear the front door closing.

I take out my ear bud again.


I was just about to put it back in when I hear Joey say, "Shane, where have you been?!"

"I went out with Lisa, duh!"

I saved my progress, pulled out both of my ear buds, close my laptop and shove it off to the side to listen to their conversation.

"How come you didn't answer your phone or reply to your texts?"

"Cause I didn't want to...?"

"I was worried you know. I didn't know if you got arrested or what happened to you?"

"Well, I'm sorry I don't fucking tell you about every little fucking thing I do!"

Shane starting raising his voice.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you."

Joey's voice lowered.

"Nothing will happen to me Joey! Just stop!"

I heard then a banging against my wall followed by silence. When the bang on my wall happened my glass cologne bottle fell off my dresser onto the ground.

I get up to pick up Hitch and keep him away from the broken glass.

While picking up Hitch I hear subtly whimpering.

Kinda worried about what happened I use getting the broom as a excuse to see what's happening. Also I have to protect Hitch from the glass.

I go into the closet and pull out our broom and dust pan.

While walking back to my room I see Shane hugging Joey but Joey not hugging him back. As I pass I notice a tear roll down Joey's check.

While cleaning up the mess I hear, "I'm sorry Joey. I just- you know I have a bad temper."

I sweep up the mess and then go back in the kitchen to through it into the garbage and grab the mop.

Walking back with the mop I see pull away and Shane leave.

Joey says motionless at the door for a moment or two then he notices me and walks back to his room.

I finish cleaning up and pack up my laptop then I go to lie down.

I drift off into a little sleep before I'm awaken to a text message.

I roll over and pick up my phone off the dresser and open the messager app.

"Me and the boys are planning a HUGE YouTuber mash up Friday then we're planning to go clubbing after, you down?"

I receive from Kian.


"Want to help me plan this bad boy?"


"Alright, so first what should we do?"

"Uhm, how about truth or dare? Drunk version though!"

"Yes!! We can invite Colleen, Lily, Jenn, Andrea, etc!"

"Should I mass text them or are you?"

"I'll do it."

"We should get everyone to bring 5 truths and 5 dares from their fans!"

"Yes, that's prefect!"

 "We should get a few of them to bring their cameras and tripods sp we can get a few differnet angels."

"Yeah, but I think our biggest issue is transportation. How's everyone getting here and getting to the bar and home?"



"I heard there's a deal on Friday nights. If there's more then 3 cars needed and frequent stops then it's cheaper."

"Tell me more."

"Let me call you."

I put my phone down and jump up of bed and splash my face full of water then I run back to my phone when it begins vibrating.

I pop in my ear buds and answer with a 'yo!'

"Alright, I got the website pulled up in front of me on my laptop." He says and I hear him typing.

"The total cost to: pick up everyone, get here, leave for a bit, come back, take us to the bar, leave for a bit, come back and drop off everyone is over a thousand bucks."

"Yo, we can't-" I started but he cut my off.

"Sh...wait... but since it's 14 people on a Friday we can get a discount. Like we can get all the for like... 500 bucks!"

"WOOH! That's amazing deal!"

"I know!"

"But wait, who's paying?"

"Everyone, we'll split it 35 dollars each and we just pay as we go home."

"This cab driver deserves a tip though."

"Alright, 10 percent of 500 is...3.58. So, everyone pays 39.29"

"Wait, lemme check... yep sounds about right!"

"So, I think we got this. I'll text you tomorrow to confirm everything."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later I have upload a video and my internet is fucking with me again."


I hang up and I finish editing everything and insert the song.

I export it to my laptop then jump into my car and drive around for strong wifi.

I go through the Starbucks drive through while I wait since I'm using their wifi anyways.

*The Next Day*

I get a mass text sending all the information to everyone about the event.

I quickly scroll through and see everyone's down.

Then Kian texts me privately saying it's a go!

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now