Wait, what did I vlog?

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*12 pm*

I'm still quite tired.

But what ever, a nice cup of coffee will help.

As I make my coffee there was a knock on the door. In a matter of minutes Joey's bedroom door is opened and he's standing there in his robe talking to the person.

But then Shane comes to talk to me, butt naked.

"Hey." He says putting his arm around my waist.

"Uh, what the fuck man?!" I say and push him way.

"What's wrong? You've seen plenty of penis' before." He said again getting closer to me.

"Dude seriously, fuck off!" I say and try to open the fridge.

"What's your problem?" He asks me.

"I swear to God get the-" I said but then got cut off by Kian clearing his voice.

"K-Kian...what are you doing here..." I say nervously as Shane turns to face Kian and Joey.

"I was in the area and I wanted to say hi..." He said awkwardly staring and Shane's junk.

"Oh... do you want a coffee or something?" I ask awkwardly.

 "A coffee would be nice." He said trying to stare beyond me and Shane.

"Uh, Joey you want to give Shane a pair of pants..?" I forced myself to say.

Joey looked at me and then takes Shane back into his bedroom and closes the door.

That was the first contact we made since we broke up and it was super awkward.

It felt like someone had released a million butterflies loose in my stomach then tied my vocal cords together in multiple knots. I was so nervous, it was unbearable. I turnned away from Kian and stared into the coffee brewing into the pot. I was becoming light headed and I was shaking like crazy. It was terrible. Then it started sinking in. I was having a panic attack!

My knees started weakening so I slid down the fridge and held my knees up to my chin and covered my face with my hands.

"Sawyer. Sawyer. Breathe." I heard Kian saying trying to calm me down.

But it wasn't working but somehow I manged to lifted my head to see Kian kneeling down in front of me.

"I...can't." I said with short breaths.

The panic attack didn't stop and me and Kian didn't know how to stop it. Well, that's what I thought. Kian was knelt down in front of me trying to keep him self calm so he could kep me calm. But then out of nowhere he kissed me. His kiss smashed into mine. For a moment I had wide eyes and was in complete shock. Then I closed my eyes and started kissing back. I felt my heart rate calm down and then he pulled away.

For a moment he sat there smiling but then he helped me to my feet.

"So, uh, do you still want that coffee?" My words trembled out of my mouth.

I was still quite shaken up from the whole panic attack thing but I brushed it off and reached up to get two coffee cups.

"I'll make it." He said catching the cups as they fell out of my trembling hands.

He set them down on the counter and took me by the hand to the couch.

He pushed me on the couch and went into my room. In a matter of minutes he's back with one of my sweaters and my blanket. He tucks me in and heads back to the kitchen.

He put a cup full of water into the microwave and pours himself coffee. Then he pulls the cup out of the microwave and puts a tea bag inside. He helps himself to milk and sugar and then he comes to sit beside me on the couch.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now