Out For Dinner

189 7 5

*The Next Day*

I just woke up.

It's 12 o'clock in the morning.

I slept in because of yesterday.

Yesterday was really busy.

I woke up at 6 o'clock to get to the bank before the rush to pay the taxs and the mortgage.

I finished at like 7 then I drove to a few peoples houses to collab with them.

I finally finished with Cyr at 2 in the afternoon. We went out for a meal then he invited me on a hike which lead to volunteer work. We hiked for a good 3 hours before going back to his house, taking a quick shower and picking up his guitar. Then we made homemade smoothies and we were off to sing and play songs for children in hospitals. We went to at least 3 hospitals that night. When we finally got back to his house, we picked up pizza and chilled on his bed. We talked and ate and caught up on life. As I was talking I noticed he fell asleep. Well, I couldn't blame him, it was 12 o'clock at night. I decided to lie down and rest my eyes for a bit and I ended up passing out completely. I woke up to Cyr gently shaking me. "Dude, it's 5 o'clock in the morning. I think, we pasted out last night." I rubbed my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. I splashed water in my face then I dried off and looked at my phone. He wasn't lying, it was 5. I collected my belongs and gave him a hug and left for my house. I finally got home at 7 and now it's 12. I only got 5 hours of sleep here and 5 at Cyr's.

So, that's a total of 10 hours.

It still feels like nothing.

Just then I heard muffled vibrations.

Where's that coming from?

Then I noticed my laptop near by with a wire hang out of it.

Oh yeah, I plugged in my phone to my laptop to charge it.

I pulled up the wire slowly and carefully to relieve the source of the vibrations.

My phone.

I squint to look at the screen.

My eyes haven't adjusted to the light just yet.

Moments later they did and I could read the screen. It was a notification, "Pick up Kian to go out shopping for the party at 1 o'clock!!"

Fuck, I completely forgot.


I put my laptop away, make my bed and lay my phone on top of the freshly made bed.

Then I strip down and jump in the shower.

Minutes later, I'm done.

Since, my bedroom door was locked I didn't care with a towel.

I just walk my naked ass over to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I decide on wearing my black tank top the has, "Come At Me Bro" printed a cross it in white and teal and my classic jeans. And I pair them with my black and teal Air Jordans 3rd generation and black and teal "I heart Haters" snapback. For my hair, I just leave it flat. I'm too lazy to style it.

Currently, finishing my hair when I get interrupted by a phone call.

I run over to my phone, put it on speaker, say "hello" then I drop it in front of me and continue doing my hair.

"Yo, Sawyer it's Kian."


"I like, just woke up a half hour ago. I'm just getting dressed. Everyone's gone out but they're going to be back to help set up the party stuff. So, we have like 3,4 hours to ourselves."

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt