New Joey

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“Sawyer, I'll be back. I'm going to buy some groceries.” Joey said as I rolled over.

“No, wait. I'll coming to just let me get ready.” I said rolling back over.

“Okay, I'll make you cereal. We'll have a real breakfast after we get the groceries.” He said walking into the kitchen.

I quickly took a shower and shipped on a simple black shirt and some sweats.

Joey came back into my room with my bowl of cereal.

He looked cute in his grey jersey and grey hoodie and sweats.

We both looked like we were going to a sleepover but we didn't care, we were comfortable.

When I finished eating we hopped into my car and drove to Target.

As we were shopping we bumped into Shane.

It was terrible because we had to act like friends and hug.

But when we hugged Shane whispered in my ear slut and I whispered into his ear bitch.

“It's funny seeing you here, Shane.” Joey said.

“Yeah. Oh yeah Joey. I want your opinion on something.” He said taking Joey by the hand into the next aisle.

I continued shopping trusting Joey wouldn't make out with him again.

I got all the stuff on the list and resisted the urge to check on Joey and Shane.

I went to the checkout counter an brought everything then I texted Joey saying I'll be in the car.

When I got unpacked I noticed something. I saw Joey and Shane running out of the store holding hands.

When Joey got closer to the car I noticed he was holding a teddy bear. He opened the car door and held the teddy bear smiling.

“Cute teddy bear.” I said trying not to sound mad.

“Yeah, I know right thanks. Shane got it for me.” He said hugging it.

Just then he got a text.

“Oh, look it's Shane.” He said replying to the text.

“Yay.” I said annoyed.

It's like he forgot we were dating now.

I drove back to our house and Joey just went inside texting Shane with the teddy bear in his hands.

I got so pissed off. I don't know what happened in that aisle but it changed Joey. And this new Joey is pissing me off.

This kept happening for days. Every time Shane and Joey were together Joey would bring something back of a bigger value than the one before.

Then one day I was walking out to throw out the trash and Shane and Joey running straight in front of me holding hands and laughing as they got chased by a police officer. Then Shane tripped a few streets down and got arrest but Joey got away. They brought Shane down to the police station. Just then and there my heart broke. I saw how Shane changed my Joey into a criminal.

When Joey got back later in the day, I was in my room yelling into my pillow and blaming my self for this mess.

I blame my self for not being there for him.

My room door was locked and I didn't want to talk to anyone.

But I knew I had to talk to Joey about this.

I decided after a few more minutes of yelling into my pillow I had to talk to Joey. So I walked into his room where I knew he would be.

When I walked in I saw his crying and holding atequila bottle. I quickly took the bottle out of his hands before he could open it. He just sat on his bed, he didn't even make eye contact. We sat in silence as tears escaped both our eyes. Then I decided to break the silence and I spoke through my tears.

“This is my fault. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I wasn't there for you like I should have been.” I said staring at the ground.

“No, Sawyer it was mine. I'm such a idiot.” He said throwing his phone at the ground and covering his face as he cried more.

“The trill was like a drug. It felt so good and after a while you gain a tolerance to it.” He said refusing to make eye contact.

“I should have been there to stop you.” I said looking up at him.

“Well, it doesn't matter now. I'm probably on the wanted list along with Shane.” He said still staring at the ground.

“Come let's check on the internet if you're wanted because you guys were wearing sky masks. So, how would they be able to notice who you guys are?” I said pulling out my phone.

“Sawyer, thank you.” He said looking up at the wall.

“Huh, for what?” I said raising a brow.

“For always accepting me. Even in my worst you always have my back.” He said as a small smile crossed his face.

“Oh, no problem. And guess what? They aren't even looking for you. They were just chasing Shane.” I said relieved.

“Oh, I feel bad for Shane though.” Joey said and I started lightly laughing because his nice side was coming out.

“What ever, it was his fault. He started this mess.” I said laughing.

Joey, lightly laughed but my laugh made him start dying.

I put down my phone down and picked up Joey's surprisingly not broken and put it down as well and caught my breath.

“This is why I love you.” He said to me and kissed me on the forehead.

The next day was very busy for Joey. I just got to see him at 8:30 at night.

We went into my room and played soft music and I sat up while Joey was lying on my lap telling me about his day. I got to stroke his beautiful hair.

“I'm so tired.” Joey said yawning.

“But I want to here about your day.” I said stroking his hair.

“Okay fine.” He said.

“Yay.” I said kissing him.

“Well, first I woke up to a phone call. It was the police and they wanted me to come down for questioning. Then I left and drove for a couple hours to get to the police station but first I stopped to get a little snack because I didn't make breakfast. Then I got held up in traffic and then I bumped into Meghan and a bunch of my other friends. And just it was super hectic today.” He said yawning again.

“Aw, poor Joey. Anyways, how's Shane?” I said actually kind of worried about him.

“He's fine and he's going to have to do counselling. And they might just put him on probation.” He said.

“Oh that's good. I guess.” I said.

“I'm so tried, can we please take in the morning babe?” He said sitting up then lying down and pulling me down with him.

“Oh alright.” I said cuddling up be hide him.

“Night, love you.” He said kissing me on the forehead.

“I love you too and sweet dreams!” I said.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt