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I slept until 3 in the afternoon.

When I woke up Joey was vlogging his lunch process.

I waited for him to turn off the camera before I walked over to him.

We haven't updated anything in forever since all the Shane drama.

I've been receiving a lot of hate and questions because our fans aren't stupid. They know somethings going down if the two biggest daily vloggers on YouTube aren't vlogging.

"Morning." I said as I approached Joey putting his plate of food in the microwave.

"It's not morning, silly." He laughed and greeted me with a kiss on the lips.

"Oh yeah. Well, that's not important right now. Our viewers. We haven't updated something in forever! And now they are sending me hate! We need to do something big for them!" I said pacing back and forth.

"How about a meet up?" Joey asked leaning against the counter.

"That's good for the people that live near us but what about our viewers around the world?" I said and put my arms around his waist and pinned him to the counter.

Joey opened his mouth to say something but he shut it.

"I got an idea but I don't know if it'll be YouTube appropriate." I grinned.

"No Sawyer, we aren't filming a sex tape." He laughed.

"I wasn't thinking that." I said and began to blush.

"Okay, so what then?" He asked as soon as the microwave went off.

"Imagine this, a bunch of YouTubers like more then 10 all drunk playing spin the bottle." I explained to Joey as he pushed me out of the way to get his food.

"Sounds like a typical Sawyer and Tyler video to me but it also sounds fun. LET'S DO IT!" He said and put his plate down.

"Okay, so tweet out the details and I call the bathroom first!" I said and ran into the bathroom before he could say anything.

10 minutes later I was done.

I pulled on boxers and grabbed my phone.

I put my iPhone in it's stand and went on the YouTube Capture app.

"Hey guys long time no speak. I know me and Joey haven't posted something in forever and we're really sorry about that. But there's been some drama between us an someone else who I will not expose the name of. And it's just been a really hard time on me and Joey. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us. In the meantime me and Joey are doing a meet up at Town's Square here in LA. But don't you worry worldwide we're doing something special for you guys too. So yeah, that Town Square meet up will be today at 5. Make sure to be following me and Joey on Twitter for information on where we will be. Okay, so nice talking to you guys again. I love you and I know Joey does too, so yeah. Bye."

40 minutes later, I'm ready and waiting for Joey who's taking forever in the bathroom.

"Joey get out of the bathroom!" I yelled banging on the door.

"I'm almost done. Hold on." He yelled back.

"It's 3:55 and it's going to take us at least a half hour to get down there!" I yelled banging on the door again.

"Alright, alright!" Joey said walking out of the bathroom fully clothed in a plain maroon t-shirt and black skinny jeans and with his hair done all prefect.

"Let's go!" I said and grabbed his hand and dragged him into the main room.

As he put on his coco brown coloured leather jacket and snazzy new shoes I fixed my scarf in the mirror.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now