Missed Call From David

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Contemplating to going into the kitchen and make food or just watch Netflix, I decide to watch Netflix.

I don't want to go into the kitchen from the risk of bumping into Joey.

It's just so awkward between us now.

After watching a few shows on Netflix I drift off to sleep.

I wake up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

I check my phone to see 3 missed calls. 2 from Kian and 1 from David. I decide to call David back first because me and Kian's conversation is going to be long.

I dial David's number and put my head phones in.

"Hey David, I just woke up and saw your missed call. What's up?"

"What's wrong with Joey?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"He's on the phone with Meghan crying!"

"Well, I don't know. I haven't spoken to him since we broke up."


"Yes, he accused me of dating Kian when he was having an affair with Shane the whole time we were dating!"

"Really, that doesn't sound like the Joey I know."

"Well it is."

"Wait, so you and Kian just had a one-night stand?"


"So, is that why he's been on the phone with Meghan crying his eyes out for the past 2 hours."

"How am I suppose to know? He's Shane's boyfriend now."

"Talk to him you two are best friends."

"Not anymore, it's so awkward between us now. I don't even want to leave my room."

"You two are going to have to make up eventually."

"Keep word David, EVENTUALLY! Just not now. I can't even look at him."

"Okay, what the hell man? You seem so cold-hearted to someone you love."

"David, he cheated on me! Am I just suppose to pick up myself the next and move on."


"Well, I can't do that!"

I started yelling and David's voice got lower.

I took a deep breath in and re thought my thoughts

"I'm sorry David. It's just, I still kinda like him but it's hard."

"It's okay but I have to go..." he obviously lied because he wasn't going to sit on the phone and listen to me yelling at him.

"Okay, talk to you later?" I asked trying to sound apologetic.

 "Yeah...okay" He said awkwardly and hung up.

Great now I feel even more terrible.

I probably just lost one of my good friends.

But I wonder why Joey's crying. I mean he cheated on me. He has full time access to Shane now. Shouldn't he be happy?

I roll out of bed and put my phone on silent then into the docking station.

I take a quick shower and put on my navy blue shorts that have a thin white strip going up the side of them. And then I grab my  teal and black 'I heart haters' snapback and take Hitch out for a long hike. While out there I film content for a new "Thru My Eyes" video.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz