Jealous Me

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“You can't just take him away from me like that!” Shane yelled at me.

“Well, I actually love him and he actually loves me. So, get over it he's with me now!” I yelled at him back.

“I don't care! It's hashtag shoey not hashtag jawyer!” He said getting in my face.

“Get out of my face your breath stinks!” I said plugging my nose.

“Shut up!” He said pushing me.

“Don't fucking touch me! I don't know why Joey is your friend!” I said.

“I can't believe WE were ever friends!” He said pushing me again.

“Why the fuck are you touching me!” I said punching him in the face.

He held his jaw for a bit then he cracked it and punch me back.

We fought for a 10 minutes then we heard Joey at the door.

I punched him once more that 'cause him to fall on the floor. I ran into my room and acted like I had no clue what happened.

I walked in to the front door confused when I heard Joey yell.

“What's wrong baby?” I said walking past Shane on the ground and kicking him.

“W-what happened to Shane? Why's he on the ground?” Joey said kneeling down beside him and shaking him to see if he's still conscious.

“I don't know. Come let me help you pick him up.” I said kicking him before picking him up.

We carried him over to the couch.

“Get him some ice please Sawyer. He looks like he was in a fight.” Joey said putting a pillow under his head.

I hated helping him but we can't let Joey know how much we hate each other. He wouldn't understand he's too nice. But I can't lie his niceness is actually quite attractive.

I came back with the ice and handed it to Joey and watched as he put it on Shane's jaw and took care of him. I got annoyed so I went into my room and locked the door. I began yelling into my pillow. Deep under all my hate for Shane it's all jealousy. Shane and Joey were closer friends. I mean they kissed and hanged out in a bedroom and Shane got to squeeze his ass and kiss his neck all before they started dating.

Just then Joey knocked on my bedroom door.

“One second Joey!” I said running into the bathroom and checking if it looked like I was just crying.

Then I unlocked the door and let him inside.

“Are you alright babe? You seemed upset out there.” He said sitting on my bed.

I closed the door and sat beside him.

“I'm fine.” I said.

He smiled then kissed me on the cheek.

“Okay, if you ever need to talk I'm here for you babe.” He said then he left my room.

After Shane got better they made a video but I stayed in my room. I peaked on them a few times after the camera was turn off. And I saw Shane was trying to hold Joey's hand and kiss him but Joey kept pulling away.

After Shane left and Joey came to my room.

“Wanna go out for something to eat?” He said throwing his self on the bed beside me.

“Didn't you eat already? You were out most of the morning. I mean it was 12 when you got home.” I said.

“I'm a big boy Sawyer. I eat a lot and I know you were here all day so I'm going to take you out.” He said getting up then pulling me out of the bed.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now