Proud Of Joey

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The next day I was awoken to my doorbell.

I got up and put and robe on then I went to answer the front door.

I was already annoyed for being waken up at 7:30 on a Saturday but it was worst because it was Shane at the door.

I just looked at him and then closed the door in his face and walk back towards my bedroom when Joey came out of his room to see who was at the door.

“Who was it babe?” He said stopping me.

“Wrong house. Now go back to bed.” I said an then Shane rang the bell again.

“Let me handle this.” Joey said as I shuffled my feet in an attempt to go back to my room.

“Oh hi Shane!” I heard as I closed my bedroom door be hide me.

I tried to fall back asleep but I just couldn't. I just kept thinking of every way I could lose Joey to Shane and what they could be doing out there. And I just kept over thinking.

Then I heard Joey giving Shane a straight talk.

“Shane, look we have to stop. Like look at yourself you got arrested. How are you suppose to tell your fans that you can't post for a few months because you'll be in jail?” He said confidently.

“Well, I'm not going to be going to jail. So yeah.” Shane said so chill.

“I guess, you're right.” He said.

“Joey, go get dressed. I came over to take you out for breakfast.” Shane said.

I peaked on them to see Shane walking Joey to his room. I closed the door because it was going to get me more mad.

“Uh, Shane. Where do you think you're going?” I heard Joey saying which made me a little relaxed.

“Shh.” I heard Shane said then I heard Joey's bedroom door lock.

I got so nervous but Joey's door was locked so all I could do was hope. I know Shane's going to force his self on Joey and Joey's not going to have the guts to stop him. This is one thing I love but also hate about Joey. I love it for when we're getting down but I hate it when Shane's trying to get down with him. I belly flopped onto my bed and started yelling into my pillow. The feelings of anger hiding jealousy over came me. Shane was always the better boyfriend. He knows how to make Joey so happy. And plus hashtag Shoey sounds so much better than hashtag Jawyer. Like what the hell is a Jawyer? Ugh, I hate Shane. Why does he have to be so perfect? I bet Joey is so happy right now.
Just then I heard Joey's bedroom door unlock and someone stormed out.
“Shane, leave! I'm sorry but I can't. I'm taken and nothing you can do can change that because I love him with my whole heart. But I don't think he loves me the same way because his poor hearts been broken so many times.” I heard Joey yell at Shane.

I actually felt so proud of Joey for standing up for me and his self.

“But, Joey-” I heard Shane say but then get cut off by Joey.

“No, leave. I can't.” I heard him say then I heard storming feet and a slam on the front door.

Then there was a light knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in.” I said sitting up.

He came over and sat on the edge of my bed.

“Did you hear that?” He said staring down and twirling his thumbs nervously.

“Yeah, I'm so proud of you. That takes a lot of guts.” I said getting up and sitting next to him.

“I don't know. I feel bad.” He said still staring at the ground.

“You did the right thing.” I said raising his chin so he was staring me in the eyes.

I cupped his face in my hands and kissed it.

“I'm going to visit Meghan. I'll see you later. I love you.” He said then went back to his room and got dressed.

I got dressed too and went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

“Joey, who's turn is it to get the groceries?” I said closing the fridge door.

“That's what I was suppose to do. Darn it! I'll get them.” He said then came out of his room.

“Come let's go out for breakfast.” He said noticing I was dressed to go out.

“Sure. But who's car? Because we're both going out after.” I said.

“Just we both drive. Meet me at that near by cafe.” He said interlocking our fingers together.

We walked out then he kissed me on the cheek and walked towards his car as I locked the door.

We met up moments later at the cafe. We interlocked hands again as we found the perfect table.

I decided to treat my self to some french toast but I had a salad and water on the side.

Joey, got a simple grilled club sandwich and water.

After we ate I paid and we went our separate ways.

I felt terrible for eating that french toast so I went straight downtown to the gym. I worked out for a good 2 hours. While there I got a text from Kian saying want to come to a pool party. Of course I'm accepting. When I got to Kian's apartment I was confused.

“Welcome to the pool party!” Kian said laughing.

“What pool?” I said.

“We're going to Sam's house for the party and I wanted you to park your car here and I'll drive you back here at the end to pick it up. Sounds like a plan?” He said picking up his backpack.

“Yeah, but I don't have a swimming shorts or even a towel on me right now.” I said nervously.

“Don't worry, Sam has a bunch.” Kian said and as he locked the door and we walked down the stairs and out to his car.

We got in the car and Kian blasted the radio but then after a while he turned it down and started talking to me.

“So tell me. How are things with you and Joey?” He said.

“Pretty good actually. Like today he told Shane straight up that he couldn't change the feelings he had for me. And he kicked him out of our house for trying to force his self on him.” I said.

“Wait, he tried to get down on Joey in your house? While you're in it?” He said shocked.

“Well, I think so. Shane took Joey into his room and locked the door and I was in my room so.” I said starting to get a little pissed again.

“What a dick. Will he ever give up?” Kian said.

“Probably not.” I said laughing because Shane's an idiot.

“Yeah, true.” Kian laughed.

When we got to the party it just started. Connor, JC, Sam, and Ricky were there already hanging out in the pool. Kian went into the bathroom and changed into his swimming shorts and jumped in. Then Kian whispered something to Sam and he got out of the pool and walked over to me.

“Need swimming shorts? Come with me up stairs.” He said and I followed him.

“Nice house you have.” I said as we walked into his room.

“Thank you. Ah, here they are. Try these.” He said handing me a pair of swimming shorts.

I tried them and they fit so we went downstairs and jumped in the pool together. We had a bunch of pizza and snacks.

When we finally got back to the Kian's apartment it was like 11:30. They invited me to stay because they said it was too late for to go home on my own. So I texted Joey and stayed over for the night. They were short on space so I had to share a bed with someone. I decided to share a bed with Connor. Little did I know Connor was a cuddler. It didn't bother me that he liked cuddling. But I started over thinking, is this considered cheating and what's Joey going to think?

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now