Penny Boarding

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When we finally got to the spot, I got a little nervous.

I haven't been on a penny board in years. I don't even remember how to balance.

JC, Ricky, and Connor were gone as soon as we parked the car. So it was just me and Kian, who was looking through his car for his camera.

When he noticed I leaning against his car staring down at my penny board he asked me what's wrong. Then he put his camera over his shoulder using his shoulder strap and walked over to me.

"I kinda forgot how to ride one of these. Can you help me?" I said shyly.

"I'd love to." He said checking to see if his car was locked.

Then he put his penny board on the ground next to his self and help me get on mine. He held me around the waist until I got my balance. I could feel my heart racing out of my chest. Then he slowly backed away and stepped onto his own board. We both turned around and faced forward. But just when I thought he was going to leave me to try on my own he held out his hand. We held hands as I learnt how to ride a penny board again. It was so nice then he let go and I went fast like the old times. I did cool tricks and gain high speeds.

Kian was around recording his self ride. This scared me because I was terrified he'd fall off and hurt him self. But he had prefect balance and he didn't even wobble. A few times while watching him to make sure he was okay, I almost road head on into a car. I nearly missed three cars.

Then I saw a hill coming up. I stopped and so did Kian, We looked at each other and got the same idea. We interlocked hands and road down the hill. Wind in our faces, our hair blowing behind us. It was scary at first but something about holding Kian's hand just made me feel safe. When we got to the bottom of the hill we just jumped off our penny board and hugged each other shaking and laughing.

"Shit, that was crazy!" I said holding Kian tight.

"Why did we do that?" He asked laughing.

"I don't know but I was scared we weren't going to stop." I said laughing.

Just then Kian got a text.

He pulled away to texted back then he picked up his penny board.

"What?" I said picking up my penny board too.

"JC, Ricky, and Connor are going to meet us at Froyo." He said and made his way up the hill on foot.

"Hey wait up!" I yelled and interlocked our fingers.

"If anyone asks about us, we just friends. This is just an experiment for me." He said nervously.

"Yeah, yeah." I laughed.

When we got to the top of the hill we unlocked fingers and road to Froyo.

I walked inside to see JC, Ricky, and Connor sitting on one sides of the booth. I put my penny board under the table with the rest of them and went to the bathroom.

I did my business and washed my hands. Then for a little I just stared in the mirror.

I miss Joey. I wish he would call me. But I guess it was too much to expect he would like me over Shane. It doesn't matter now me and Kian are like friends with benefits. I don't need Joey to be happy. Actually, it'll be less stress and maybe Shane will leave me alone now. I wouldn't have to fight for the one I love. Okay, so maybe I am gaining feelings for Kian but they're temperary. Soon it'll just be sex, no emotions.

What about this Julia lady. She's hot but she has a daughter. I pushed my hand in my pocket looking for the card she gave me. But I couldn't find. Just then I remembering something falling out of my pocket when me and Kian were making out earlier. Just then the bathroom door swung open 'causing me to jump.

I relaxed when I noticed it was just Kian.

He did his business and I kept my eyes glued to the mirror until he playful pushed me out of the way to wash his hands.

"Why aren't you out there with JC and the others?" He asked washing his hands.

I put my arms around his waist and sighed.

"Just thinking." I smiled with my head on his shoulder.

"You miss Joey, don't you?" He said turning around to face me.

"Sort of." I sighed again.

"Well, you got me now." He smiled and placed his hands around my neck and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

There's one thing I love about kissing Kian. He was short so he had to go on his tippy toes to kiss me.

We walked out and went straight to the counter to order some Froyo.

As we made our way back everyone was vlogging.

Connor faced his camera towards me.

"Hello viewers." I said to the camera

"What you got there?" Connor asked.

I was going to say something but then Kian did the nerdy cute thing he got from Ricky. Connor faced his camera towards him.

"This is all sugar. Even the fruit. Very unhealthy." Kian said pretending to adjust his glasses.

Connor turned the camera back to me.

"OH! YEAH!" I said in my deep voice.

Then Kian repeated me and he started laughing.

Connor turned off his camera and Ricky turned his on.

"Guys, 11 o'clock at night ans look how dark it is outside." Ricky spoke to his camera.

"So, as you guys saw we were penny boarding around. Penny boarding is that a thing? I don't know. Well, it is now! Okay, so everyone go around and say your name and what you got. I'll start. I'm Ricky and I got vanilla."

"I'm Connor and I got cookies and cream."

"I'm JC and I got chocolate."

"I'm Kian and I got sorbet."

"I'm Sawyer and I got fruit!"

"Oh Sawyer do your African impression!"

"OH! Be careful, there are lions in the bushes!"

We all just starting dying of laughter.

After more hanging out, talking and vlogging in Froyo we decided to ride around a little longer.

Near the end me and Kian just walked together talking.

"Besides, the fight with Shane and Joey dumping me, today was fun." I laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm still worried about you. I don't want anyone to hurt you again." He said grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry, Shane should back off now that he got Joey all to his self." I said and kissed his hand.

"I hope you're right." He said.

"Am I don't worry." I smiled.

"I'm tied." He said and let go of my hand and put his arm around my back.

"Let's get Ricky to drive then and we can sit in the back seat." I said.

"Okay, I'll text them." He said.

We all met at the car and put our penny boards in the trunk.

Kian past the keys to Ricky and Connor got in the shotgun seat.

I sat next to the window and Kian sat in the middle.

Kian leaned his head on my shoulder and in a matter of minutes he was sleep. I watched he sleeping peacefully then I rested my head on his. And before I knew it I fell asleep too.

By the time we got home it was 1 o'clock in the morning.

I woke up in as soon as we got in the driveway but Kian was still fast asleep. I didn't want to wake him because he was so peaceful so I carried him to his room. I gentally laid him down on the bed. I tucked him in and put his car keys in his drawer. Putting both our phones on silent I turned off the light and crawled in bed with him. For a little I laid there was a knot in the pit of my stomach. But after I worked up the guts and put my arm over him and cuddled up to him.

MY JOEY! (Shane, Joey, and Sawyer Fan Fic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now