"Listen Karkat I'm really not up for this," Dave protested for the thousandth time, "The regular ice cream parlour is closed on Fridays anyways, you're dragging me across town for nothing."

"Listen Shithead I'm going to cheer your sorry ass up so you'll finally stop whining."

Dave was dragged into the shop (literally) and forced to sit down in one of the booths as Karkat went to order.

"Dave I know what happened was scary for you," Karkat began as he sat down opposite Dave, "but that doesn't mean you can shut yourself out from the world."

"But it's getting worse!" Dave said sorrowfully, "first the Chem lab incident now this? I thought I was getting better!"

"You're not spending enough time trying to control your powers see, that's the problem," Karkat straightened up, "from now on every Saturday will be spent at the old junkyard, Rose and I will help you get your pyrotechnics under control so you can stop beating yourself up about every mishap."

This caused Dave to smile, "How will you get Rose to help?"

"I'll make her. I can bribe her with Kanaya, we both know she'll do anything for her. I'll even bring Jade, she can be your cheerleader."

The waiter brought over their orders.

"So I was thinking," Karkat said after a spoonful or two, "since Halloween's coming up, you should totally dress up as the Human Torch."

Dave looked at Karkat, not knowing if he was being serious or not, "Dude, seriously?"

"No hear me out on this, we can make it all Chris Evens' era, shaved head and everything, it would be perfect."

"You lost me at shaved head."

"I figured I'd have lost you at 'Human Torch', we'll look into a costume."

"Actually, speaking of Halloween, won't there be all those parties and haunted houses you can bring dates to,"

"Dave what are you implying?"

"Hear me out," Dave shot Karkat a cheeky smile, "I was just thinking maybe you could ask Terezi-"

"Dave no,"

"Oh come on! It would be perfect! Rose and Kanaya, Myself and John...technically, you and-"

"Dating isn't really my thing Dave." Karkat looked as if he had just said something he wished he hadn't.

"What do you mean?" Dave was curious, your best friend doesn't just tell you something isn't really his thing and then not say anything about it.

"Now isn't the right time after-"

"Dude come on it can't be that bad"

Karkat sighed, giving into defeat. "Dave I'm aromantic."

Dave had a blank look on his face.

"Aromantic meaning...no hold on I'll get you the actual dictionary definition," Karkat pulled out his phone.

"Oh my god Karkat Vantas is using modern day technology."

"Here we go, aromantic, 'A person who is aromantic does not experience romantic attraction', there you go Dave, this is me coming out to you."

"Shit man I'm sorry about that Tz stuff."

"It's fine, kind of awkward situations, but it's fine now."

Dave thought of what to say next.

"So...what did your brother say? Or did you tell him?"

"He cried"

"Wait what really-"

"Yeah he was really happy that I'd stick to the whole celibacy thing."

"But wait," Dave sat forward,"you're not asexual though,"


"...and you're pan."

"Thank you for clarifying for me I had no idea."

Dave put on a playful smirk, "so what, does this mean if we sleep together, has a wondrous night of sexual love and passion I won't get a ring?" He brought his hand to his forehead dramatically, "will I just be, dare I say it? Your whore?"

"Dave I swear to fuck stop talking."

Dave broke down into apologies and giggles, he wasn't making fun of Karkat, he wouldn't dare, but he could tell from the slight smile on Karkat's face and the subtle head shake that Karkat knew Dave was just joking around, as best friends do.

"You know I'm joking right?" It didn't hurt to double check though.

"Yes I know you're joking fuckass it's half of your personality, now hurry up, I have a bill to pay and a damsel in distress to escort back home."

"A knight who still uses emails isn't very reliable."

"Just eat, dipshit."

Burning Love ~ A johndave fanficWhere stories live. Discover now