Ch.23: Another Attack

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"Now hold on just a second, Princess Sen! So you're saying what? That Chizuru's some sort of devil?" Kyo spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"It seems you've perhaps thought of something." Sen said, ignoring the male's question as she noticed the expression on Chizuru's face.

Chizuru lifted up her sleeve, showing smooth skin where she had been cut by the rogue Fury a while before.

"There's nothing there." Y/N observed in surprise.

"Her wound! It looked pretty deep, but it healed!" Shinpachi exclaimed.

"It's because I'm a devil." Chizuru said in a soft tone.

"If devils who descended from good, pure bloodlines were to join together, what they could produce frightens me." Sen declared.

"So, that's what Kazama was after." Hijikata realized.

"You said that you wanted Y/N to leave too. Why?" Kyo questioned.

"If Kazama was to show up to take Chizuru-chan, then I am afraid Y/N-chan might end up getting in the middle of the crossfire. I just want to keep them both safe, as an ally and a friend." Sen stated, a genuine expression of worry covering her features. "If Kazama were to attack you in earnest, you would be powerless to stop him." Sen declared.

"Say, Princess Sen, ain't powerless going a little too far?" Shinpachi questioned.

"We are the Shinsengumi, called the Wolves of Nibiru, going up against a devil or two gives us no pause at all." Hijikata stated in a proud tone.

"By now you should know Kazuma's power well. However, we may be able to protect Chizuru and Y/N from him." Kimigiku stated.

"Meaning you may not be able to protect them. Am I right?" Hijikata declared while narrowing his eyes as the two devilish females gasped.

"Yukimura-kun, L/N-kun, what about you?" Kondou spoke up, causing everyone to glance at the females.

"Huh?" Chizuru blinked in surprise.

"You should decide for yourselves. Will you go with these two, or remain here?" Kondou questioned.

"Kondo-san, that ain't right!" Shinpachi exclaimed.

"Be quiet, Shinpachi." Kondou ordered.

"I..." Chizuru clenched her hands into fists and glanced around the room at the faces of the people she had met and become friends with. "I'll stay here!" She declared.

Y/N nodded her head in agreement. "I'll be staying here as well."

"Chizuru-chan? Y/N-chan, too?" Sen whispered in surprise.

___Quick Time Skip___
"I'm sorry, Sen-chan." Chizuru apologized as she stood at the gates of the headquarters with the other two females.

"Chizuru-chan, could it be there's some reason that you don't want to leave here?" Sen questioned. "There's someone here you fancy, for example?"

"What are-? I don't-!" Chizuru stuttered, while Sen giggled.

"Hmm~ It makes me wonder if Y/N has someone she fancies too." The yellow clad princess teasingly said, glancing in the direction that Y/N had gone off to after wishing them a good trip back to their home.

"Princess, is this really alright?" Kimigiku asked worriedly.

Sen nodded her head and smiled at Chizuru. "Please don't forget, I'm your ally and always will be." She promised.

"I know that." Chizuru smiled back thankfully.

-Next Night-
Y/N groaned and rolled in her futon as she heard gunshots and what sounded like blades clashing. Her (E/C) eyes then widened in realization, as she stumbled to put on her clothes, before dashing out of her room and towards the entrance of the headquarters.

"Yamazaki!" The female then looked startled as the violet eyed male stood between her and the battlefield.

"The vice commander ordered me to keep you in your room." Yamazaki announced to the female.

"I can't just stand here and do nothing, Yamazaki!" Y/N exclaimed, looking frantically towards the area that the others were fighting. Her eyes then widened as she saw Kazama carrying an unconscious Chizuru. "Sorry, Yamazaki." Y/N whispered, using the moment of his distraction to pinch a nerve on his neck and watching him pass out, before she rushed to the spot that Hijikata and Kazama were fighting.

"Stop it!" Chizuru ran inbetween Hijikata and Kazama, withdrawing her shortsword, before gasping as Hijikata held her in a protective manner while pointing her blade towards the demon.

"No! You mustn't do this!" Hijikata declared.

"Why do you continue to side with the humans? In the end, you'll only end up being betrayed by them. You've seen those fake devils they created, haven't you? What merit is there in siding with fools who would make abominations like those?" Kazama asked the female harshly.

"Despite all of that, I believe in them." Chizuru declared in response.

Kazama pressed his lips together, looking a bit unimpressed as he lowered his sword.

The shooting devil then walked up laughing. "So she turned you down, huh, Kazama?" Shiranui grinned in pure amused.

"Well, it's not like she was the reason we were here in the first place." Kazama declared, a slight smirk quirking at the corners of his lips.

"Huh?" Both Hijikata and Chizuru looked startled.

"Hijikata-san!" A sudden shout caused a couple of the men to glance over to see Kyo running towards them with a breathless expression. "They're not here for Chizuru, they're after Y/N!" He shouted.

"What?!" Hijikata's eyes widened, before he heard the (H/C) female's scream.

Y/N punched and kicked desperately as Amagiri began to carry her towards the gate of the headquarters.

"See ya, Harada! I'll have to kill you next time! Keep that neck clean and ready for me!" Shiranui grinned as he ran after Kazama and Amagiri.

"Come back here, you freak!" Harada shouted, rushing in their direction with his spear ready, only to swipe at air as the demon trio disappeared without a trace with Y/N.

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