Ch.11: Devils & Health

Start from the beginning

"Alright! Let's get together sometime." Sen winked at the two girls, before she dashed off in a different direction.

"Um, is my disguise really that terrible?" Chizuru glanced at the other two questionably.

Saito glanced the female up and down, before grinning slightly. "Who knows?" he replied, before walking the way that they were originally heading towards before Y/N had gotten distracted.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Chizuru questioned as she quickly rushed after the male. "Saito-san!"

Y/N laughed behind her hand, before pausing and tensing up. It has been years since I was able to laugh so freely with people who aren't Mom. She thought, glancing up at the blue sky.

"Y/N! Are you coming?!" Chizuru's call caused Y/N to shake her thoughts away, before she grinned and quickly rushed up to the duo that had gotten a bit far without her.

"Eh, do you think I should change my hairstyle to make myself more boyish looking?" Y/N asked Chizuru as they once more began their patrolling. "It's hard enough to blend in while being a (Ethnicity), but it's even worse when I probably look more like a girl than a guy." She explained.

"I think you look fine just the way you are." Chizuru smiled at Y/N.

-Two Days Later-

Y/N and Chizuru were both cleaning vegetables for dinner, when they heard enraged whispering behind them.

"Itou-san? Is something the matter?" Chizuru asked, while Y/N rolled her eyes and continued to do her work. Ever since their first meeting, Y/N had felt something was incredibly off with the man, and made sure that she was never around him, alone, and if she was, to never speak to him.

"Absolutely everything's the matter!" Itou dramatically exclaimed, wrapping his arms around himself as if to protect himself. "Some doctor called Matsumoto tried taking off my clothes during the physical exam!" He stated.

"Matsumoto...Was it Dr. Matsumoto Ryoujun?!" Chizuru asked with widened eyes.

"Mmm...That may have been his name." Itou cupped his chin, as if he were thinking about it.

"I'll go have a health inspection too!" Chizuru exclaimed, rushing away quickly.

"Wait! Chizuru!" Y/N cried out, glancing at Itou warily, before quickly following the female. "The others are still having theirs!"

As the two females got to the room that they were supposed to have their inspection, a terrified squeak left Y/N's lips as she covered her eyes. "Teenage girls should not be ogling at older men, no matter how attractive they are." She muttered to herself. She then uncovered her eyes as she heard Chizuru giggling. "It's not funny at all, Chizuru!" She exclaimed out of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I've never seen you get so red before." Chizuru smiled at her friend, as if teasing her.

"Hmph." Y/N pouted as she crossed her arms, then looked at the bald man who was sitting on a stool and inspecting the soldiers one-by-oone. "You know that guy? Matsumoto, right?" She asked Chizuru.

"Yeah, he was a friend of my father back in Edo." Chizuru explained, as Y/N nodded her head in understanding.

"If you please, Doc!" Hearing Shinpachi's voice, the two females glanced at the male as he flexed in front of the doctor, causing Y/N to facepalm. What an egoist. "What do you think? This body of mine was forged and forged again through the sword arts!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, Shinpachi-san's body is strong and tough. It's his head that needs looking at." Heisuke spoke up from his place in line.

"Talk like that, I'll strangle you Heisuke!" Shinpachi exclaimed, clutching his hand into a fist as he turned around to shout at the youngest captain.

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