Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Wow, to be honest I did not expect to be uploading already. I thought it would take forever for you guys to vote, but I guess never lose faith in your fans....

So this chapter might seem a little rushed but I needed to upload as quickly as I could.

For the next chapter I need 10 votes, 2 comments and 1 fan, hope that doesn't seem like to much, but I think you guys can do it!

Chapter 7

Dawn's POV

I watched as Alec's car slowly drove away, never leaving eye contact with him. My heart was hammering inside of my chest, its beats were weirdly irregular.

I don't know why my heart was doing that, but I think it could have a reason to do with that I may have a little crush on Alec. Yes, I admitted it, I have a crush on Alec...

Not one that would make me talk freely to them or a crush to tell them everything about myself. It wasn't a crush that would make me insanely jealous if another girl flirted with him, or made me upset because I couldn't have him. Damn, I knew that I couldn't have him! But it was a crush that just made my heart do little flips inside my bruised and battered chest, a crush that made me faintly long for him but not enough for me to find out his number and call him straight away.

Just an ordinary crush, that was all.

So why did my heart feel like it was dying as the car drove out of sight? And why did it feel like it was shattering into a million pieces as Annalise came in and threatened me to stay away from him, that he was hers?

Alec's POV

Once we arrived at the Pack house a few kids came and greeted me.

“Hi Alpha Alec, why are you here?” I five year old called Samantha asks.

I smile at her, she was adorable. “Hey Sammy, I'm here to help your Mummy and Daddy and all the other pack members unpack, is that alright with you?”

“Uh-uh, you come play with me!” she says pointing her finger to herself and giving me a dramatic puppy dog face.

“I'll play with you later, tomorrow we could play hide-and-go-seek if you like?”


I laugh at her, walk past her and scruff her hair up. She mock frowns at me before running off and joining all the other toddlers.

Brandon walks past me and slaps me on the back, “you'd be a good Father,” he compliments.

“Thanks man.”

I have always wanted to be a Dad, I love to spend a lot of time with the kids here in the pack, they are always so care-free and know how to get things off of my mind. I couldn't wait until my Mate had my children, nothing could be better.

* * *

After I had finished helping other unpack, I drove back to my place and fell right asleep. Once I woke up I felt refreshed and happy.

I took a quick shower and headed back over to the Pack House, I still needed to help others unpack and then play some games with the toddlers like I had promised. Though for some reason I just couldn't shake off the feeling that today was going to be a good day.

Once I arrived at the Pack House once again, Sammy came running up to me with a big goofy smile on her face.

“Are you going to play with me today?” she asks excitedly.

“I sure am, I just need to finish helping the adults unpack, then I will come and play Hide-and-go-seek with you kids.”

“Alright, meet you out the front Alpha?”

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